Topic: Practice makes perfect ?

After watching videos of great guitar players such as Tommy Emmanual Chet Akins etc on Utube it got me thinking. I have played guitar for many years for enjoyment and reached I think a reasonable level. I was wondering that is there a level of playing which we all reach different for each player that with all the practise in the world we cannot go any futher. Have the great players got a gift of talent which is denied to most of us. I suppose what I mean is can just practising make you great player or is there something more required.

Thanks Chordie of one great website

Re: Practice makes perfect ?

Hi,well I am not that good but keep trying...I know what you mean,I think there are those with a born talent in them and others will never be just as good...but I dont think you reach a level of skill and then cannot go further allthough I guess it feels like it sometimes!..I think practise will always improve your playing..good luck.

Re: Practice makes perfect ?

Well, your point makes some sense...

For instance, I've only been playing about 3 years, but i can play better than one of my friend's brother, who has been playing 6 months longer than i have...

I think there are a few variables in the equation that determines skill with the guitar...

S = (P + I) x T

Where S = skill with the guitar, P = practice time, T = previous musical talent, and I = inspiration

Skill depends on how much practice you put in, and how much you want to be good, and then you need musical talent to keep it up.

I think that made sense..