Topic: Finger Picking DONT CRY DADDY???

Hi was wondering if anyone can help,im fairly new to the guitar,have only been playin 3 months(ish)i would really like to learn to play Dont cry daddy by Elvis Presley in the finger picking style,i know the basics,like where the thumb and fingers go an also a couple of pck patterns but not much else as i am trying to teach myself,can anyone help?Thanks

Re: Finger Picking DONT CRY DADDY???

If you have the chords for the song, and know a few finger pick patterns, not really.  From that point it's giong to be practice, practice, practice to be able to finger the chords quickly and fit the patterns or make up new ones to fit the melody of the song. 

I would recommend practicing each chord change a lot of times until its mostly smooth, then start playing the song through with a very simple pattern until you can change the chords while playing the simple pattern.  Then start adding in singing.  And then practice adding in more complex patterns to suit your style.  It could take a while.  Don't be discouraged!  Take it as a "stretch goal" and continue to work on speeding up chord changes and making your fingerpick patterns smooth.  I can't tell you how many thousand times I worked on just two or three fingerpick patterns until my fingers do them automatically.  I'd sit there in front of the TV with my electric (unplugged) just going over them again and again and again.  Same with chord changes. 

It's all a matter of practice and staying enthusiastic now.

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Finger Picking DONT CRY DADDY???

Hi People, how is everybody? I am extremely new to all of this and am not sure of the proper etiquette, so please forgive me if I am in the wrong area. I am looking for the words and chords to an old John Denver tune..Sweet Surrender.... I haven't been able to find it ANYWHERE. So if someone could help me and maybe post it, I would be greatly appreciative. Thank you in Advance


Re: Finger Picking DONT CRY DADDY???

hi pritcherello ,welcome to chordie,try finger picking each chord slowly till you get more experience with the chord changes and the melody,have fun....stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool