Topic: hello all once again james, jets,old doll and all other friends

hey i'm back on the internet again, I see james added me to chordie friends list on myspace
anyway now that I'm back online, I got back in to paltalk chat

they still have user controlled rooms there,

live music rooms,  under music cat.

on line open mic's if you will

lots of fun to sit and visit with friends and take turns playing

so just was thinking about maybe opening a room there for our chordie friends
if there would be any on interested in it.

well hello all once again

Dan Hemphill

Re: hello all once again james, jets,old doll and all other friends

Hi Dan.

Good to hear from you!

Ive been checking out your site. It certainly has everything there to keep one entertained.

Sure id have to give up work all together if i was a member of one of those sites lol

Good to hear from you . Be happy!

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !