Topic: The Puppy

The Puppy

By Phill Williams

I bought a little puppy
The neighbours have a cat
A nasty little feline
He scratched and bit and spat

He terrorised my little dog
He'd come home scratched and raw
He's been bitten on his nose and tail
Scratch marks on his paw

If critters have a mafia
This pussy was the don
He seems all nice and cuddly
Then strikes when you are gone

But puppies have this habit
They grow and find their feet
And nasty little pussy cats
Will feel their canine teeth

One day my puppy'd had enough
This cat had gone too far
He'd eaten all his puppy snacks
And messed up all his yard

The red mist had descended
He could not take much more
He picked the cat up by the scruff
And threw him out the door

His teeth were bared and snarling
His tail was standing straight
His ears were back
His growl was deep
The cat had met his fate

So now the little pussy cat
Wont come into my yard
His memory of that fate full day
On his mind indelibly marked

When he sees my little puppy
He crosses over the road
He'd rather risk the rush hour cars
Than mess with mighty Toto [the dog's name]

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: The Puppy

Toto the malefic puppy lol deep stuff thy bard of Wales smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: The Puppy

Dogs rule. Well done and well said. Ten out of ten Phil.

Keep on Rocking and remember Animals Feel Pain Too.