Topic: Usher.

Wonder what you'll make of this ?

Don't want to make it too obvious, but also don't want to make it so obscure there's no meaning.


I met him in Belfast.
The third week in May
He nodded and stalked off.
He'd nothing to say.

   He would usher them over,
   And they could never come back,
   Never come back, never come back.

The next time, he wondered
Why I was still there?
This kind of liaison
Was rarer than rare.

So we sat down and talked
Over coffee and dates
And struck up a friendship
On pipe dreams and fate.

For he'd known them all
The great and the good
Attila and Hitler
Ghandi and Hood.

And some would get maudlin,
Some would sigh with relief
When he'd steal away pain
Like some gentleman thief.

And one thing I learnt
As I let him talk on
Was the fact that without us
They'd get nothing done.

But it came time to call time
I put my hand on his arm
I saw the start in his eyes
And the ending in alarm.

He pulled himself together
It took all that he'd learnt
To let go the memories
So the book could be burnt

Message or messenger,
Killer or kill
There's none that will outrun
The stillness so still.

"Don't play what's there, play what's not there." Miles Davis

Re: Usher.

my god are all you irish so deep and intense?

this is so poetic and easy reading, i found once i started i had to finnish it, [that doesnt always happen, but dont tell anyone]

it's the great unspoken subject, that's been spoken about a lot in the last week, luckily [for us] the usher didnt take you with him.

great one


Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: Usher.

Thanks Phill,

"are all you irish so deep and intense?" - no we live in houses like everyone else ; )

I was looking for a different perspective on the unspoken topic - wondering what would the Reaper have learnt down the years - apart from being fairly cynical and finding people pitful.

The twist is in verses 7&8.

"Don't play what's there, play what's not there." Miles Davis

Re: Usher.

Hi Stransongs,

I like the depiction of the reaper in Bill and Ted.

I should have added...funny too! big_smile

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: Usher.

I couldnt figure it out untill the end. Kinda reminds me of a Woody Guthire song whos name escapes me . Great poem , Id love to try to put this to music. Great poem, Allan

Everything is bad including me
But being bad is good policy
Reverend Horton Heat

Re: Usher.

Hey Stransongs, I'm happy you live in a house not a tent. lol Good One
Real thought provoking poem here with an interesting take. Enjoyed the read

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: Usher.

Hi Selso,

Go ahead - we'll call it a collaboration.


Never mind a tent, I've just been staying in a caravan on the coast in gale force winds for the past three days. Great to be back in the bricks again !

"Don't play what's there, play what's not there." Miles Davis