Topic: Songbook tab bug?

Chordie is the best site on the internet!
But - since the reformat, the songbook tab at the top of the page does not show which songbook I have selected, and when I try to add a song, it does not appear in the book I currently have selected.  I'm using Mozilla browser, and I am logged in.  Anyone else having this problem?
Thanks for Chordie!
Tiki in Chicago <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_cool.gif" border=0 alt="Cool">

Re: Songbook tab bug?

Thanks for reporting this. The name of the songbook shoud no longer appear on the top tab. It should appear below the "add to songbook" link.

The reason is that it is no longer room enough on the top, after adding the forum-tab.

Ill look into the you did report. Anyone else experiencing this?

Re: Songbook tab bug?

I think this is fixed now. Can you confirm?

Re: Songbook tab bug?

I am now able to add the song to my selected songbook, but the selected songbook is not displayed near the add link.  Minor, but I really like to see which songbook is active.  Top on my wishlist of features is being able to select which book(s)the song is added to.
Thanks for all your efforts!
Tiki <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_cool.gif" border=0 alt="Cool">

Re: Songbook tab bug?

Thanks for telling me. I forgot to make that fix public.

It should show now. I might add a dropdown-box there instead. Letting you choose where to add the song. Do you think that will work?

Re: Songbook tab bug?

That would be great! Especially if it's possible to add to multiple books.  The way I use the books is that each is a different set, and the same song might be in more than one book.  Thanks again!!

Re: Songbook tab bug?

You can copy the song to multiple books today as well. You can also use the feature within the songbooks to copy to multiple books.

Re: Songbook tab bug?

Sorry, how do you choose which songbook the song gets added to?

Re: Songbook tab bug?

When you add a song, it gets added to the currently active
songbook.  When you are viewing your songbook, at the
bottom there is a link 'show edit/publish options'.
Click that and you will see all the options you have for
moving and copying songs from one songbook to another.
- Tiki in Chicago  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_cool.gif" border=0 alt="Cool">