Topic: Your Heroes Let You Down.

You can end up being just too cynical about life, when you're living in a building site as we are now. We're seeing the end, though - just a few more weeks of concrete and cold water ! This one just arrived.

Your Heroes Let You Down.

It takes a while to realise
That your heroes let you down
When the pedestal you put them on
Comes crashing to the ground.

They'll let you down and leave you
Cryin' out for more
They'll say they're only human
As they kick you out the door.
When they leave you in the lurch
Or disappoint you so
just remember it's not your duty
To even up the score.

Your parents are the first
To fail some minor way
Or the inspirational teacher
You find has feet of clay.

You'll find a guy or gal
And want to trust them bad
But love has ways of squeezin' past
Any fancy lock you have.

Then there's the boss with diamond eyes
Who'll lead you up the hill
Then cut you from the team
When your hot shot start to chill

I won't say to trust no-one.
You have to play by ear,
Or you'll end up in Montana
With an Uzi by the door.

There's still a place for leaders
Who get the dealin' done
But you gotta keep them honest
And criticise them some.

"Don't play what's there, play what's not there." Miles Davis

Re: Your Heroes Let You Down.

I liked that very much!  Thanks for sharing.... honest and true!

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: Your Heroes Let You Down.


I wasnt in a building site but , i did get a guy last year to do some work for me.  an absolute disgrace his work was. He came highly recommended.! [ Thats a laugh, as he couldn't kick snow off a rope.] I ripped  all  out and had it redone.
I question skilled workers pride now in there chosen field. At 160 euro a day i expected the best. The recession now in the building trade here will be payback  time for this cowboy .
Or Phill Williams with his revenge gun lol

Great writing as always, I get the gist of the whole piece.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !