Topic: SUGGESTION: List songs by date submitted

smile Morning All,

I think Chordie is a great site. But what would make it even greater is the ability to list songs by the date they were added or submitted. Reason for this is that I want to see if there are any new songs that have been uploaded. I'll google "song name chords" if I know the song in particular I'm after (e.g. Party In The USA Chords) but it would be cool if you could hit a "New Entries" link and see everything thats newly uploaded.

Maybe there is this feature already but I cant find it, correct me if I'm wrong.

All the best,


big_smile [b]Its in the name![/b]

Re: SUGGESTION: List songs by date submitted

Hi LUKEy Chordie is a search engine we dont upload songs we find them from other sites on the internet and list them I can understand searching for new material but you would need to go to the host site to find it I dont know which site hosts a particular song so I cant tell you where to look but welcome to Chordie and perhaps one of the other members can offer further assistance smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: SUGGESTION: List songs by date submitted

I read deeper into the forums and found that Chordie was a pool of searches. A date submitted could still be of use though incase people find newer songs and want Chordie to know about them, its how I'd go about doing it personally. Almost the first thing I do when a track comes out is I look for the Chords version of it.

Thanks for getting back to me so quick on this anyway, all the best & enjoy your weekend,

big_smile [b]Its in the name![/b]

Re: SUGGESTION: List songs by date submitted

Please inclede the theme Zorba the Greek (mandoline)