Topic: songs for mandolin

Can anyone point me towards some easy songs for mandolin. I got one for my wife and while I've found some two finger chords I haven't located a good site for songs. Any help would be great. Thanks in advance

Don't take life too seriously, you're not getting out alive anyway

Re: songs for mandolin

Hi bs, no pun intended, I almost bought a mandolin awhile back. I was smitten w/ Nicklecreek. As for some easy mandolin I think the band Sugarland is a good place to start. PS I'm in Bloomsburg

Re: songs for mandolin

bswyers - maybe you already know this, maybe you don't - You can change the instrument setting here on chordie to mandolin. Look under the resources tab - change settings. This will give you mando chord fingerings for all songs as default. The wife should probably get her own chordie account so you don't have to change back and forth every time. There is a list of public mandolin songbooks here … ollections

There are only 10 books, but one is labeled "EZ Mandolin", so that may be a good place to start. Good Luck!

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: songs for mandolin

Hey thanks topdown. I wasn't aware you could do that(at least I don't think I knew) Very cool feature and extremely handy.And Butch,good to see a PA boy here. Maybe things will work out and we can hook up some time. Zurf also has roots in PA just a little further up the Clarion River. Who knows, maybe a PA jam?

Don't take life too seriously, you're not getting out alive anyway

Re: songs for mandolin

Got a mandolin from my wife last christmas and a friend showed me a few chords. I struggled to find some songs to practice but tonight i found "EZ Mandolin" on chordie. The world is my oyster now. Thanks topdown.
