
(9 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I wanna see that chest. Not gay, but I wanna see how scarred up you are! Just kidding of course smile, but I just tried it myself, and found I needed my chording hand, so it's a good thing I don't drive anymore!  Interesting timing exercise, though and good advice, NELA!



(206 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Just wanted to wish everyone a good and stress-free week coming up, and if you're on the upper East Coast, please take care of yourselves. I see where some severe weather is heading your way!

Good Night



(6 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I'm sure you all have heard of the "game" which also teaches you to play guitar and bass. I bought both versions: Xbox and PC, but was disappointed that among the songs included, there weren't any classic rock tunes. Yeah, "Satisfaction" was on there and maybe one or two others, but the rest, although popular today, were ones I didn't even recognize.

I know a lot of what they can feature has to do with copyrights and buying the rights to use the songs, but if you have the game you already know what I mean. If you don't, then I recommend you consider before you buy.

To be fair, the manufacturers do have "song packs" which you can buy and load, but again - not many classics in my opinion.



(6 replies, posted in Acoustic)

....... on your 6-string?

Because of my arthritic right middle finger, when I was learning bass (and still am), I couldn't do the plucking correctly, so I bought some felt picks and used those.

Then one day, I couldn't find a pick to use on my Jasmine, so I grabbed the felt one and used it. I found it gave a very warm, full sound.

Ever try it?



(26 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Found you on the Tube (and left a couple of comments), but thanks for the other locations. Gonna sit back and watch you "in concert", mate. smile


ETA: One of those comments was left with your rendition of Jim's beautifully written tune. Grats, you two! smile


(4 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hey dino!

I have some real ones as well, my friend, just wanted to be sure there wasn't one hiding here. smile  One is my Pocket Rockit, my mini-amp and I have another two on both my 15w amps. I appreciate your taking the time to look up pricing for me. Every kind thought and friend helps!



(17 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hey joeyjoeyjoey

I like what you wrote regarding your wife's passing. Still I'd like to send some good thoughts your way and wish you all the best for the future.

Bill Craig


(26 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Great story, Dirty Ed! I especially liked the part about the numb lips. wink I drank a lot when I was drumming, but I don't think my lips ever got numb. I missed my cymbals a lot, and didn't dare try to twirl the sticks, but never numb lips.

You must have had quite a show if you drew in that many kayakin' folks. Any of your river songs on the Tube?

And what a hell of a birthday party that must've been! smile



(26 replies, posted in My local band and me)

hummin n strummin: That counts as an "awesome" in my book. When I lived in Moenchengladbach, Germany. I once stopped and listened to a young Polish girl singing, "Rocky Mountain High" and the same thing happened to me. She mispronounced a lot of words on her "gittur", but that made her all the more endearing. I agree, that's the best compliment you could have had! smile




(3 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

Artie'splaying wrote:

Does anyone have more insight into Entwistle's playing?

Yes, it so happens I do: John tuned his bass strings incredibly high (give a listen to the 5:15 solo below), and this was like playing the bass as a solo instrument. Paul McCartney had that same ability, but not to the same degree.

That said, I think he was a complete *expletive removed* for OD'ing on cocaine and dying on us.


Thanks, Bill


(26 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Good Morning, Doug and Grah1! smile

Doug, sorry. Sometimes it takes me a couple of times, but usually I do finally get it. I see what you're saying and yeah, backgrounds would certainly help, I would think. Do you just get asked up from the audience and are therefore "put on the spot"?

Grah1, then that's great, right, and you were asked for a reprise of this very fine tune? Is it possible the guy was just getting into character? (Your prima donna, I mean) or was this guy a complete piece of shit? I guess only you would know, so I'll go by your description of him.

I just looked at your location and it says "Snowy Settle", which I at first read as "Seattle", but you're in the UK, right? ANy of your stuff on YouTube, my friend?

Again, thanks for everyone's candor. I don't think you'd tell these things to me if I weren't a fellow musician and I know to appreciate that.



(4 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Good Morning, Everyone! smile

Do we have a guitar tuner onboard here? If so, I haven't been able to find it, just a section on the far right of my screen that says "Tuning". I can find one online, no probs - it would just be a lot more convenient to have one here, so I could tune and go right to the song.

Thanks and have a great Sunday!




(24 replies, posted in Electric)

Did you guys have a bass and he didn't make the pic?

Head Bangin'? I liked "Redneck Babies" with the Dixie intro. Although  the recording quality is not what you would have liked it to be, be glad you have it uploaded!

Your calling them "classics" made me laugh, but just think: The Beatles put some really scratchy stuff on their Anthology albums, so who knows?

Your drummer had (has) great timing, especially as he had to carry the bass part of your tunes if there was no bass player, I really couldn't tell.

"Black Dog": I didn't get it right away because I don't think I ever heard Bonzo doing that particular solo. So, I thought to myself, "Huh! So now we get to hear the drummer tune up for a change! How unique is that?" Then I read the title of the piece. smile

Thanks for sharing part of your histrionics...... I mean history with us, Beamer! big_smile



(8 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Let's see if I can make this work. Anyway, this is me from about 6 years ago, sitting in on a practice with my German friend Peter's band.

See that happy (but ugly) face? Now take it and imagine it in front of my computer and you can see how happy I am to be among fellow musicians such as yourselves!

http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff71 … ctures.jpg

Well, shoot! I put the url's in there! sad

Oh well, you can't tell much but I am, indeed, a happy boy! smile



ETA: That first link takes you to my Photobucket page, so that picture should be on page one. Feel free to look at the rest. There's no porn in there, unless you count that sexy lookin' chicken. smile



(8 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Let's see if I can make this work. Anyway, this is me from about 6 years ago, sitting in on a practice with my German friend Peter's band.

See that happy (but ugly) face? Now take it and imagine it in front of my computer and you can see how happy I am to be among fellow musicians such as yourselves!

http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff71 … ctures.jpg


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Or Bandcamp?



(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I have and it broke my heart to have to do it, but it was matter of fulfilling a promise.

This was when I was still single (I remarried my present wife after 25 years of being divorced) and it was in conjunction with one of my solo bicycle rides  (from Texas to Georgia) for the Humane Society. One of my sponsors, who was to have paid for my and my team's overnight accomodations (2 nights) backed out at the last minute and there was just no money, so I pawned my beloved Tak Jasmine and one amp, and got enough to pay for a night's stay. He had forgotten to "clear" it

When the hotel manager found out what I had done (I was pissed off), he very graciously made a few calls and we got a refund, but that's how I came to pawn my stuff.

No one knew I had done this (not even my 2 person team), but I did, and it sure hurt till I got my next paycheck.

I sincerely hope none of you have ever had to do this, but honestly, the guilt was overwhelming.



(30 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Just my opinion, but I think they all make promises they fall short of keeping.

For instance, Firefox, my present browser, promises faster speed for gaming, but I haven't seen it and it sure pulls down the mbps's when I play Warcraft. It's like a 4 cylinder car trying to make its way up the Smoky Mountains. smile

When I get out of the game, it's a little faster, but not much. I have 4 Gb at the moment and have two more empty slots, so does anyone know if more RAM will increase my speed? Due to being on fixed incomes, I can't really justify buying a new machine, so "tweaking" is about where I am at the present time. smile




(1,560 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

I listened to "Cotton Fields", badeye and it made me think of Woodie Guthrie. Seems that Mr. Leadbelly could sure spread those wings!



(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Grah1 I took a look online for any reviews of the site and found nothing negative, but then again all the links I visited orginated there, so that isn't much of a help to you. They also appear on a site called "Angie's List" which rates various services here in the US. I don't know if she offers a free trial, but you might want to check there as well.

Also, it may be that one of our friends here may be a member of AL and can take a look on the list for you. She's pretty much "right on the mark" with her ratings.

Admittedly, I didn't read too much about them, being that they're mostly "blowing their own horn", so to speak, but I hope they're legit.



(9 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

I've always thought of it as a stringed instrument and not because in order to get my music degree in percussion (which I didn't), I would have had to play a recital, but because percussion music is all on one line and much simpler to learn. There. I said it: I'm just a dumb drummer. smile

Anyway, what if I wanted to post about the piano? Is it allowed? It might fit into the Music Theory section.




(26 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Wow! I sure appreciate the candor, guys! I once (and posted about it here, I believe) tried to sing and play "Legend In My Time" - The Johnny Cash version - and couldn't keep myself from tearing up and consequently choking up, as it was not long after his passing that I did that. I finally just said "eff it!", cleared my throat and did "Under The Boardwalk". One person told me I was short-changing the audience when I tried to do the tune, "so take it out of your song list."

TF: Did you introduce what you were about to do, or did the audience "get it" on their own? Also were you regularly in the Principal's office? Pretty brave (as well as angry) "young man".

grah1: Did the audience really notice the mistake or was it just you who did? In other words, did they throw fecal material onto the stage? I remember something a pilot once told me (and I am sure you've heard it as well) "Any landing you walk away from is a good one." No matter, you got it right (to your own satisfaction) the second time, so you must have had a kind-hearted audience.

Doug_S: That's a self-criticism I don't think I've ever heard before. and I had to read it twice before I "understood" it. Are you saying you don't practice enough, and so leave out much of the instrumental "break"? If that's the case, I would love to have seen the faces of your fellow musicians when they realized it. "There's FIVE more bars!!!!" smile smile

Anyway, these are all just my opinions and y'all know that "opinions are like a**holes, everybody's got one."

I'd love to hear/read more, because one of my favorite things to do has always been playing (and talking about) music. I can talk to you about Beethoven all day long, for instance.

Thanks for sharing!



(26 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Fine with me, BGD. Just don't be too hard on yourself! smile Sunday was just a suggestion anyway. smile



(24 replies, posted in Electric)

Very nice, Joe, and very kind of you as well! smile



(20 replies, posted in Songwriting)

D, G and Am????

Hand me down my Tak'!!! I think I could handle that one! And I agree with Dino; Please YouTube it for us, TIGLJK!

