(5 replies, posted in Electric)

12345abcd3 wrote:

go to this website, its really good:



SWEET!! Thanks!!



(1 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Korg pandora's box (PX4D).

IT is my only effects box.
I have a portable 10" amp that I can plug it into but I LOVE my PX4D.
It does everything I need and more.



(5 replies, posted in Electric)

danspr wrote:

If you guys didn't know, Guitar Center has recently come out with a cool new 60s Headstock Strat, most notably used by Jimi Hendrix at Woodstock '69. I'm thinking of getting it, but there's one problem: IT'S $700. So have any of you played one? I wanna know if they're worth the buy. If so, can you give me some details? THEY LOOK SO AWESOME!!!

I heard that Guitar Center is going out of buisness

Hahahaa...that would be funny.
Maybe these exorbitantly high prices will finally come down.



(18 replies, posted in Electric)

My guitar.

Whichever that one will be when I'm playing it. hehe.



(7 replies, posted in Electric)

american chaos theory wrote:

Try using what is commonly referred to as jazz strings they are basiclly light E A D strings and heavy G B E strings but not as drastic a difference as useing two seperate gauges.

I also agree.
I use that setup in ernie ball strings.
Their "Heavy Bottom - Skinny Top" strings are perfect for the above referenced setup.



(5 replies, posted in Electric)

Um, I just started out on soloing on tuesday of this week.
The riff that helped me get the hang of it was the solo parts of
Sublime - "Pawn shop"

It's a fairly simple set of notes that just go up and down. I never thought that just going up and down a set of notes could sound good and all it took was just accenting different notes and making the timing change.

It's so simple but so amazing.


A black Fender stratocaster or a silverburst Gibson Les Paul.
I have looked at other guitar makes and models but none seem to suit my functional needs like those two.
And it seems like the knock-off brands cost just as much, so why not get the real thing...


Edit: I'll take this knock-off please.



(1 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

WTh? My reply is gone now?
I guess the server transfer didn't go over too well...


WTF!?! my posts keep getting blanked out.
What the heck is going on?



(8 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Wow, I started out playing in Dropped-D setup (Dadgbe) and doing barre chords were much harder than normal chords.

It takes a while but your muscles do get stronger after a while just like with anything else. Jsut keep at it and you will build up the strength to get it good.

Also, getting the action on your guitar lowered as much as it will go will make doing barre chords and power chords much easier.

Good luck,


<table border="0" align="center" width="90%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td class="SmallText"><b>semiunmarked wrote on Sun, 18 March 2007 00&#58;15</b></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">
I'm a beginner teaching myself with the internet. Tons of free lessons on www.YouTube.com      Look for videos by TheNextLevelGuitar  and  JustinSandercoe

Excellent videos. Good luck all

Same here, I'm starting out learning how to play in Drop-D style and it's coming along great. I got my first electric in October of last year and I'm already playing along with the band in my church. At first I thought that Drop-D was going to have limitations on playing but it actually makes everything soooo much easier for me. Now once I get the action lowered on my guitar I will be able to play for longer lengths of time before my left hand gets tired.



(36 replies, posted in Electric)

Dean Deleo from Stone Temple Pilots


Adamn Jones from TOOL


(18 replies, posted in Electric)

<table border="0" align="center" width="90%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td class="SmallText"><b>bud_wiser wrote on Wed, 02 August 2006 20&#58;48</b></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">
Practice is definitely vital.

I've only been playing for about 7/8 months now but I've been playing just about every night for anything from 30 mins to 6 hours depending on just how sad and desolate my social calendar happens to be at the particular time. As a result of this constant practice my friends and family cannot believe how much I've improved although there's obviously a lot of room for improvement. One of my friends has been playing for a number of years but I'm already waaaay ahead of him due to the difference in our practice regimes.

What I would say is that there will be a definite plateau from times to time, but similarly there will be times when everything just "clicks" and you will make big leaps forward really quickly. It gets very addictive when you start progressing like this.

One actual tip I do have is about strengthening your hands (childish giggle  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">  ) once or twice every day take a bit of time and spread and stretch your fingers on each hand as far as possible for a couple of seconds, hold and then clench your fist as tightly as possible. Repeat as time permits. I used to do it driving to work...gear changes excepted, of course.

Good luck!!

Awesome, this is just the info I needed. I can stretch across 4 frets but I would like to stretch across 5 if possible. I am still weak in the fingers though I can feel my pinky getting stronger and more accurate day by day.



<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87qidizFX3I" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87qidizFX3I</a>

Someone please give me a clue...

<img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_confused.gif" border=0 alt="Confused">


(1 replies, posted in Song requests)

Oh yeah, here's the link to the song being played live.

On youtube...

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87qidizFX3I" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87qidizFX3I</a>


(10 replies, posted in Electric)

Nice, I wish I could play like that.


(109 replies, posted in Electric)

Strangely enough, Slowdive and Depeche Mode.

Even though Depeche Mode has minimal guitars in most of their songs if any.


(62 replies, posted in Electric)

SO far, my one and only First Act ME480 (Tire tracks).

<img src="index.php?t=getfile&id=61&private=0" border=0 alt="index.php?t=getfile&id=61&private=0">


(1 replies, posted in Song requests)


    I have part of the song tabbed out in my head, meaning I can play it on the guitar but I don't know how to submit the tabs. Should I draw it out and scan it into the computer and mail it to someone?

Is there software I can use to write out the tabs and post them here?

Does anyone have the full tabs to the song already? i didn't see them on the website.

Anyone have any advice?

thanks in advance,
