
(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

one of my favourite songs, i do it myself, but not with so much gusto. thanks for bringing it to my attention


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

hi nela,

i'm also retired, and as is said above, i do what i gotta do....end of!

when i start getting verbal from my wife and daughter for doing what i shouldn't, i just say; well you're not making my heart any better by giving me grief.

it don't work, but at least i've got an answer for them


(56 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

i'm so jealous i went out and bought some new guitar leads, cost about 10 pounds, the wife went A/S. too afraid to tell her i'd like a new gibson acoustic. in fact i've decided to chicken out all together, and buy another lead.....

congrats by the way, hope you'll be very happy together.



(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

i like what russ says about the screaming guitars and the BABES. must admit that was a big attraction to playing live. only thing is it seemed the roadies got all the girls while i/we were on stage. this life can be very unfair.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

sorry to hear that Nela old friend. i'm lucky at 63 all i need to take are paracetamol (for the brain pains) and cod liver oil capsules for the aching bones. they say fish is good for the brain, memory and that, what was i saying? oh yeh, don't let sharks bite you? wasn't it?


(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

i've got this story that i must impart; sometime in the 70's i was playing in a cabaret band (i cant believe i revealed that fact) still, one of the guys sat up and recorded a radio show late at night, next day when he played a song to me that blew my mind and his, but he didn't know who the band was....sometime later i bought an album by a band called supertramp crime of the century and the track was on it! i said we have to do it, they said no! so i left...that's fair?

anyway saw them on their quietest moments tour in swansea, must be one of the best concerts i've ever seen.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

but you did a great job, thanks


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

just another day at the office, eh russ? it must be hell sitting there looking at your PC screen waiting for the delivery driver to knock?

i usually find that while i'm waiting for a new toy to arrive, i begin having more fun with the one it's replacing, like guitar strings, once i decide to change them the tone suddenly revives. also toothaches that disappear as you walk into the dentists waiting room.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

hate to correct you Nela, but i just came on line to find 10 or so reports, all of which had been dealt with.

i'd like to take this opportunity to thank on behalf of all the mods the members that take time out to report these selfish, lame-brained, inbred, money grubbing spammers.



(9 replies, posted in My local band and me)

when i saw the funnels first thing that came to mind was the temperance 7. any one else remember them? winchester cathedral?

it's funny how disco's (or whatever the modern equivalent is) can go on blasting boom boom music (?) till 5 or 6 in the morning, yet live music has to stop at midnight. give me a live band anytime amplified or not.


(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

i like songs that tell a story and of course words you can understand, which does not resonate with a lot of todays music.

my flirtation with music began in the early 50's as my mother always sang to me, then later when we got a radiogram my mother used to buy all the latest hits; rock around the clock etc. i loved the beatles from the time i heard "my bonnie" on radio luxemburg, not realising who they were until 1969!

i had friends that had a 3 piece band and they played cream, hendrix and john meyall, and jammed on occasion on drums and guitar (i wasn't very good then or now) so i got into that more rock orientated music. come the 70's and someone played me some yes, tull, genesis, supertramp as well as deep purple, status quo and black sabbath. so that's what i played when i got my own groups together.

like grah, i seem to write more folk/country style these days not cos i like that type of music but that's what comes out.

ps. i don't mention my father as he didn't know a tune from a murray mint


(14 replies, posted in Electric)

got to say, i'd love to have an SJ special, as a rule i don't like gibbies, but i'd go for that one.

i bought a white strat back in 1972 after seeing george harrison playing one in the bangla desh film, it was ok! it felt great in my hands but the sound coming from it wasnt great. i now use a telecaster which feels great and sounds great also, but that could be due to the FX pedal and the amp. it all comes down to sustain and tone (if your a rocker) clean chorus and reverb for country boys.

for acoustic i love the sound ian anderson gets from his small acoustic that he uses on recordings and on stage.

for bass, what about that bassist in level 42? simply amazing.


(2 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

i'm hoping members will use their own discretion here, this post has been reported. now it's not a malicious post and it is or can be relevant to chordians that are learing chord shapes. BUT PLEASE BE AWARE THAT THERE IS A CREDIT CARD DONATION THINGY AT THE BOTTOM....i would suggest not clicking that as if you need help with chords there is a free chord chart in the resources tab.



(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

so jims song is called "groovin" how many songs have the title "i love you"? the title only describes the song and from what i heard there is very little similarity in the chord structure or the rhythm. cant tell from just the backing track how the words fit or how the melody goes so i don't see why this song has been reported.



(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

hi grah, i know one of our members owns a pub in llanelli, namely "the kilkenny cat". there is a tidy sized room at the back where concerts are held. we have discussed this in the past and i'm sure (if any interested parties) could travel to south wales, we would all have a great welcome at the cat.



(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

congratulations, here's to the next 44



(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

you can find the recording here;



(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)

no apology needed, we all die in the end, death and taxes?

i think i've actually decided on Caesar. all i have to do now is record it. thanks


(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

a relationship with 1 woman is complicated.
a relationship with 1 guitar can be frustrating.
a harem of guitars is only complicated by the fact that you cant choose which one to play first, even after 3 or 4 songs, you still have the energy to pick-up the next guitar and the next and the next all night and all next day till your fingers drop off...and you dont need viagra big_smile

and a guitar wont get jealous!


(3 replies, posted in Poems)

irony? my wife always likes to say " there's no pockets in shrouds" which is also true. just remebered the theme from "stairway to heaven" the rich think they can buy their way to Gods favours.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

i would have thought he'd be chuffed to have his song put out in English, as there is a bigger audience. think of "my way" which was taken from an italian song, "o sole mio" and lots more. as long as the composer gets his cut and recognition why would he/she complain? i wouldnt!


(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)

thanks EB, i'm looking forward to that. mother in law is a touchy subject at the moment as mine passed away last month, now she was a complete nutter, in a nice way...

amy/dino, yep your right bonnie was a complete crazy lady but 100 years later. doc holiday? i've got a dentist like that but in reverse, i'd love to shoot him. point made with custer.

grah, now thats a film i'd love to see made, mainly so i could become rich, my song writing doesnt seem to be getting me there sad

jim, how're you getting on with the transpose i did for you? i havent actually started recording it yet, i've got loads on at the moment, so when i do get around to it, i may use the C key myself.

thanks all for your advice and for replying.



(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)

i'm not sure about custer, he wasnt a complete nutter he just had delusions of grandure. i want to portray Ma Gold as a powerful lady, maybe like Ma Baker from a later age, who lost all sense of humanity at the loss of her beloved daughter and grandson, so she went right off the rails and started killing anyone she thought could have saved their lives or caused their death. maybe i should stop now as it's getting a little too morbid for me. but that's the back story, i read somewhere that your characters should have one so as you know where their going....does that make sense to you?


(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)

i did say it's not finnished yet, the hitler reference, i knew it was iffy but ghengis khan wouldn't fit. it was "mad as hell" . i never gave jesse james a thought as i didnt think of him as "mad". what do you think about Caesar? it fits with the metre and he was quite a dictator.

jimmy, if you transpose the chords to; VERSES; C-D-F-Am-G| C-D-Dm-G-F-C.|

chorus; Am-G-F-C-| F-C-D-G| Am-G-F-C | F-C-Dm-C|| it's in waltz time and at the moment i'm thinking very slow.

thanks for the heads up


(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)

This is a sad and tragic story which I don't think is finnished yet, but have a read and give me your thoughts....

Ma Gold.Undefined

[F] I'm skirting around that gold [G] prospecting town.

She's [Bb] sitting there waiting, a [Dm] gun close at [C] hand.

She's [F] madder than Caesar. She's got [G] murder in mind.

And if [Gm] she should [C] see me, I'll be [Bb] dead in no [F] time.

[Dm] The ugliest [C] woman that [Bb] I've ever [F] seen.

Was [Bb] mother to a [F] beauty, like a [G] princess or [C] queen.

So the [Dm] love grew [C] between us and her [Bb] belly got [F] full.

She [Bb] died there in [F] child birth, the [Gm] child died as [F] well.

[F] I've been a miner since the [G] time I could walk.

I've [Bb] sworn and I've cussed ever [Dm] since I could [C] talk.

But [F] Ma Gold was nasty and [G] I'm held to blame.

For her [Gm] daughter and [C] grandson that [Bb] died on that [F] day.

[Dm] Ten days of [C] walking to the [Bb] next water [F] hole.

If she [Bb] knew I was [F] coming she'd have [G] poisoned that as [C] well.

She's so [Dm] bitter and [C] twisted, so [Bb] hard and so [F] cold.

But [Bb] no one wants to [F] face her.

[Bb] No one will [F] fight her.

[Bb] No one [F] survives her. They [Gm] call her Ma [F] Gold.

[F] She's alone in the barroom a [G] Colt in her lap.

For the [Bb] ten years that's gone, she's been [Dm] sitting like [C] that.

A [F] bottle of whiskey, deck of [G] cards on the table.

There's no [Gm] one to [C] play with, they're [Bb] pushing-up [F] daisies.

[Dm] Everyone [C] dies, she gives [Bb] no second [F] chances.

I was [Bb] mining in the [F] Yukon, or I'd be hanging from a tree.

Like the [Dm] doctor, the [C] midwife, the [Bb] sheriff, the [F] barman.

All [Bb] died in her [F] rage. Cos [G] they couldn't [C] save her....

[F] I'm skirting around that gold [G] prospecting town.

She's [Bb] sitting there waiting, a [Dm] gun close at [C] hand.

She's [F] madder than Hitler. She's got [G] murder in mind.

And if [Gm] she should [C] see me, I'll be [Bb] dead in no [F] time.