Topic: In person lessons or online lessons?

I am looking for people experiences on taking lessons online or from a in person teacher.  I have reviewed and some other online offers but have a real good player who plays in my church who has the same styling that I am looking for.  However I am looking at about $30/lesson (not sure how many times I need to go in a month).  I like playing simple campfire songs with county and blues influence.  I am also a fan of Jason Mraz, Brandi Carlile and such.  I want to learn to finger pick a little  instead of just plain chord strumming.  I also just play acoustic so I am not looking for any all in one sites but have been leaning towards the Acoustic site.  Any thoughts would be appreciated.

1991 Washburn D12CE/N
2006 Taylor 412ce

"What I want is songs that echo. The stuff we're doing now is like somebody's bedsheets; spread 'em out, soil 'em, ship 'em out to laundry, you know? But our songs...I want us to be able to fold ourselves up in them forever...understand?  Words and music."

Re: In person lessons or online lessons?

If you can afford it, I'd say take "live" lessons. I found them to be more beneficial. They force you to learn at a pace...for me that was important. Even more so, you get to play with a more accomplished player. Playing with others will make you a better player. And take the time to learn music theory; it'll pay off later on...

Just my 2 cents worth....

I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused.
Elvis Costello

Re: In person lessons or online lessons?

Also you can check out youtube vids. There's lots of tutorials with tons of music genres.
But no substitute for playing with some one.

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: In person lessons or online lessons?

I just started learning two months ago, and would say that in person lessons are better. There is a lot of misinformation on the Internet and once you have bad habits these are very hard to break.

Re: In person lessons or online lessons?

Wow, the first three responses were really not what I was expecting.  I honestly thought I was going to get a big push on online places.  KAP54, I have seen some youtube vids and there are some good ones but the camera shots are usually not real detailed.  I guess my biggest concern right not is cost.  I can get about a month of online tutoring for the price of about 1 hour in person lesson.  Also, has anyone find that you get more pigeon holed into playing like your teacher plays.  For everyone who takes in person lessons, how many times a week do you take?

1991 Washburn D12CE/N
2006 Taylor 412ce

"What I want is songs that echo. The stuff we're doing now is like somebody's bedsheets; spread 'em out, soil 'em, ship 'em out to laundry, you know? But our songs...I want us to be able to fold ourselves up in them forever...understand?  Words and music."

Re: In person lessons or online lessons?

I would definitely go with personal lessons. Anytime. That way you actually have accountability for practice, you are driven more to succeed, and it's a lot less boring. 30$ a lesson seems a little steep, if it's half hour.  I take lessons with a extremely accomplished teacher for $25 half hour.

Re: In person lessons or online lessons?

I have a wonderful teacher that lets me play what I want to play. I research the music. He teaches me what I am doing wrong. I told him I am nearly sixty and don't want to play things that I don't enjoy. He is great and in person can put so many things right for me. It is worth it, and even if you only had one a fortnight, that would stop you from getting into bad habits.

Re: In person lessons or online lessons?

My suggestion is to get a good start with an in-person instructor.  Once you're off to a good start, then supplement with particular stylistic lessons on-line.  The thing with on-line is that they can't adjust your fingers, or chide you about your thumb placement, or address these other early bad habits.  Get a good start with good habits from a good in person instructor.

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: In person lessons or online lessons?

Good point on learning the correct way from a instructor.  Who wants to learn to play a guitar upside down?!?  Bad example.  I guess in the end it really comes down to practice and the time I give to it.  At least with an instructor I will get chided if I don't learn my lesson.

1991 Washburn D12CE/N
2006 Taylor 412ce

"What I want is songs that echo. The stuff we're doing now is like somebody's bedsheets; spread 'em out, soil 'em, ship 'em out to laundry, you know? But our songs...I want us to be able to fold ourselves up in them forever...understand?  Words and music."