Topic: What kind of tuner?

Hey everybody, I was just wondering what kind of tuner that you use. I just got my guitar and I need a tuner, my step dad said we would go to guitar center to get a tuner for me. I was thinking about getting a Korg CA30 Chromatic Tuner. Also, should I get some peddles if my amp has some pretty heavy effects? If so, what kind? Thanks for the help guys your really helping me learn guitar!

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Re: What kind of tuner?

I use a BOSS TU-80 tuner. Costs about £17, and it has a metronome built in as well. It can tune anything.

Re: What kind of tuner?

I love my Hartke--about $18.  The needle doesn't keep wavering all over the place--when a string is in tune, it sticks.
Concerning effects, personally I'd consentrate on learning how to play the insturment before buying a ton of toys!  Once you get a little deeper into it, you'll have a better sense of what effects would be the proper expression for your music.

Re: What kind of tuner?

Intellitouch PT-2 works on nearly everything, electric, bass, acoustic... only a real thick classical headstock could wrongfoot it.

'The sound of the city seems to disappear'

Re: What kind of tuner?

Lots of great stuff out there to choose from. I have a Seiko clip on tuner that I use for my acoustic guitar and can sense the vibrations and tune in a noisy environment or can use a built in microphone. For my electrics I have a Boss TU-2 Tibernius mentioned, it can tune anything that you can plug into it...bass, guitar, 12 string, mando, etc... it has several modes but the one I use most often is the mute...I can tune with the amp muted and click everything back on!

Middleaged Redneck sorta guy who refuses to grow up...passion for music, especially Southern Rock but like bout everything cept Gangsta/Hip Hop. Collect guitars, mandolins, and love to ride Harleys.

Re: What kind of tuner?

I use the built in tuner in my KORG PX4D "Pandoras Box".
If that's not around or the batteries are dead and I don't have my power supply, I use my Planet Waves S.O.S. Guitar Tuner.
It uses LED strobes to find the right resonant frequency of the correctly tuned string.


"Talent instantly recognizes genius,
but mediocrity knows nothing more than itself."

-Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle

Re: What kind of tuner?

The guitar shop near me uses a Korg CA30 so I bought one. I like it.

Learning to play the guitar is easy. Converting that knowlege to sound like music is hard!

Re: What kind of tuner?

cytania wrote:

Intellitouch PT-2 works on nearly everything, electric, bass, acoustic... only a real thick classical headstock could wrongfoot it.

That's strange you should say that about the Intellitouch and Classical guitars. A friend of mine, an excellent Classical player, uses an Intellitouch all the time. He owns a Ramirez.

When we duet (I play Jazz) I never found him out of tune. Me, yes despite my Intellitouch, but not Auld Tom!
Happy Fretting

There is no such thing as a 'wrong note'. There are merely notes played in the wrong place.
I should know.. I get them out of order all the time!