Re: Nothing Matters, and What if it Did: What your guitar says about you.

I wonder what replacing your saddle and pegs with fossilized walrus tusk says about you: prententious idiot or uncompromising artist.  I haven't done such a thing . . . yet. Any advice for me?

Re: Nothing Matters, and What if it Did: What your guitar says about you.

Well, I suppose it means you're fairly heartless to long-dead walrusses (walri?). 

If you're asking about advice for replacing your saddle and pegs, I'd suggest going with Tusq if your guitar didn't already come with Tusq.  I replaced my saddle on my Yamaha with Tusq and my pegs with wood and have received a much cleaner and brighter tone as a reward.  The reason I suggest Tusq over bone is that the Tusq saddles come already partially preshaped.  There's a lot less sanding to do with Tusq.  I'm considering the nut now, but that'll have to be done by a tech.  I'd like a slightly lower action, so will probably sand the saddle down just a little more with the next string change. 

As far as what to do with the fossilized walrus ivory you have laying about, have you ever considered scrimshaw? 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Nothing Matters, and What if it Did: What your guitar says about you.

Greetings Artless,

  Replacing the saddle and pegs without doing the same with the nut, is not uncompromising..... thrifty perhaps.

Re-doing the fretboard inlays and details of the rosette, might be bordering on pretentious though.  I'm thinking that ancient Ivory is harder than the hubs of hell and will cost a bit of time or money to get done, but should really sound sweet!

Take Care;

"what is this quintessence of dust?"  - Shakespeare

Re: Nothing Matters, and What if it Did: What your guitar says about you.

All this and nary a mention of the title of this post. I am surprised.