Topic: fishman pick up

Does any body  know  if a fishman underbridge pick up  will  work  with nylon strings . Ive been thinking of  trying a  set of  nylon strings on my squire acoustic.

2 (edited by Doug_Smith 2015-02-19 00:39:59)

Re: fishman pick up

Normally you would use some sort of piezoelectric pickup on classical guitars.... certainly no magnetics!  My preference would be K&K Sound under bridge as they are passive, retain all of the acoustic properties of the instrument and are reasonably priced. Available for Steel as well as Nylon strung guitars.

Mekidsmom (Amy) put one in her guitar not too long ago and can give you a review if you like.

As for using Nylon strings on your already equipped acoustic..... my only thought is that you would have to readjust the action for the reduction in tension, and most classical string sets are tied onto the bridge, so finding a set with "ball ends" might be troublesome.  Good news is that if you try, you will only be out the cost of a set of strings!


"what is this quintessence of dust?"  - Shakespeare

Re: fishman pick up

Just an addition to Doug's comment; Ernie Ball certainly produce a ball end classical guitar string (I know we sell them smile ) and I guess there are other makers that do too.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

4 (edited by Tenement Funster 2015-02-19 11:47:26)

Re: fishman pick up

I spoke to the luthier I go to about this, who also builds guitars, mandolins, and banjos. He immediately recommended the L. R. Baggs "Lyric": … microphone

It's really a microphone and not a pickup, so it will work with any type of strings on an acoustic instrument. He says he's installed several dozen of them, and every recipient has been more than pleased with the results, both for studio work and live performance. Most of his customers are bluegrass performers, who wanted to get rid of the clumsiness of a microphone setup for stage use. This way they can plug into an amp, and not worry about mixing into the PA system.