(1 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Scott Sailer
Written in standard chroding, played a whole step down.
The E and Eb  are single notes on the 3rd and 2nd fret of the D string

Will she be the damsel?
E                   Eb
Will I play the knight,
Fighting the dragon
E                             Eb
In the early morning light?

C5                      D5
What’s the magic answer
C5                      D5
Where’s the hidden code
F                      G
All this time we try to find
C5                      D5
Our way out of this mode

Staring into chaos
E                   Eb
worlds upside down
All that’s been fought for
E                   Eb
Getting turned around.

Losing our freedoms as
E                   Eb
Ignorance abounds.
Right left right is all we hear
E                   Eb
Thus begins our plight
C5                      D5
What’s the magic answer
C5                      D5
Where’s the hidden code
F                      G
All this time we try to find
C5                      D5
Our way out of this mode

F#5 (staccato,1st pos) 4+4
E5 Eb5 (octaves on 7th &6th)4+4

Swimming in mysteries,
E                   Eb
Lost in the maze
Fighting  contradictories
E                   Eb
Running through the haze

Two sides collide
E                   Eb
Neither wants to merge.
Try as we might,
E                   Eb
Thus begins our plight. 


(0 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Scott Sailer
Written in standard chroding, played a whole step down.
The E and Eb  are single notes on the 3rd and 2nd fret of the D string

Will she be the damsel?
E                   Eb
Will I play the knight,
Fighting the dragon
E                             Eb
In the early morning light?

C5                      D5
What’s the magic answer
C5                      D5
Where’s the hidden code
F                      G
All this time we try to find
C5                      D5
Our way out of this mode

Staring into chaos
E                   Eb
worlds upside down
All that’s been fought for
E                   Eb
Getting turned around.

Losing our freedoms as
E                   Eb
Ignorance abounds.
Right left right is all we hear
E                   Eb
Thus begins our plight
C5                      D5
What’s the magic answer
C5                      D5
Where’s the hidden code
F                      G
All this time we try to find
C5                      D5
Our way out of this mode

F#5 (staccato,1st pos) 4+4
E5 Eb5 (octaves on 7th &6th)4+4

Swimming in mysteries,
E                   Eb
Lost in the maze
Fighting  contradictories
E                   Eb
Running through the haze

Two sides collide
E                   Eb
Neither wants to merge.
Try as we might,
E                   Eb
Thus begins our plight.


(0 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Scott Sailer
Written in standard chroding, played a whole step down.
The E and Eb  are single notes on the 3rd and 2nd fret of the D string

Will she be the damsel?
E                   Eb
Will I play the knight,
Fighting the dragon
E                             Eb
In the early morning light?

C5                      D5
What’s the magic answer
C5                      D5
Where’s the hidden code
F                      G
All this time we try to find
C5                      D5
Our way out of this mode

Staring into chaos
E                   Eb
worlds upside down
All that’s been fought for
E                   Eb
Getting turned around.

Losing our freedoms as
E                   Eb
Ignorance abounds.
Right left right is all we hear
E                   Eb
Thus begins our plight
C5                      D5
What’s the magic answer
C5                      D5
Where’s the hidden code
F                      G
All this time we try to find
C5                      D5
Our way out of this mode

F#5 (staccato,1st pos) 4+4
E5 Eb5 (octaves on 7th &6th)4+4

Swimming in mysteries,
E                   Eb
Lost in the maze
Fighting  contradictories
E                   Eb
Running through the haze

Two sides collide
E                   Eb
Neither wants to merge.
Try as we might,
E                   Eb
Thus begins our plight. 


(0 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Scott Sailer
Written in standard chroding, played a whole step down.
The E and Eb  are single notes on the 3rd and 2nd fret of the D string

Will she be the damsel?
E                   Eb
Will I play the knight,
Fighting the dragon
E                             Eb
In the early morning light?

C5                      D5
What’s the magic answer
C5                      D5
Where’s the hidden code
F                      G
All this time we try to find
C5                      D5
Our way out of this mode

Staring into chaos
E                   Eb
worlds upside down
All that’s been fought for
E                   Eb
Getting turned around.

Losing our freedoms as
E                   Eb
Ignorance abounds.
Right left right is all we hear
E                   Eb
Thus begins our plight
C5                      D5
What’s the magic answer
C5                      D5
Where’s the hidden code
F                      G
All this time we try to find
C5                      D5
Our way out of this mode

F#5 (staccato,1st pos) 4+4
E5 Eb5 (octaves on 7th &6th)4+4

Swimming in mysteries,
E                   Eb
Lost in the maze
Fighting  contradictories
E                   Eb
Running through the haze

Two sides collide
E                   Eb
Neither wants to merge.
Try as we might,
E                   Eb
Thus begins our plight. 


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Scott Sailer
Written in standard chroding, played a whole step down.
The E and Eb  are single notes on the 3rd and 2nd fret of the D string

Will she be the damsel?
E                   Eb
Will I play the knight,
Fighting the dragon
E                             Eb
In the early morning light?

C5                      D5
What’s the magic answer
C5                      D5
Where’s the hidden code
F                      G
All this time we try to find
C5                      D5
Our way out of this mode

Staring into chaos
E                   Eb
worlds upside down
All that’s been fought for
E                   Eb
Getting turned around.

Losing our freedoms as
E                   Eb
Ignorance abounds.
Right left right is all we hear
E                   Eb
Thus begins our plight
C5                      D5
What’s the magic answer
C5                      D5
Where’s the hidden code
F                      G
All this time we try to find
C5                      D5
Our way out of this mode

F#5 (staccato,1st pos) 4+4
E5 Eb5 (octaves on 7th &6th)4+4

Swimming in mysteries,
E                   Eb
Lost in the maze
Fighting  contradictories
E                   Eb
Running through the haze

Two sides collide
E                   Eb
Neither wants to merge.
Try as we might,
E                   Eb
Thus begins our plight. 


(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


But I will add it here and say howdy.  adding a link to the sweetwater add since its been too long to have to remember photo posting.

https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail … 3081533146

and a little play through. 
It needs some set up and tweaking, hoever its really nice!



(0 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


But I will add it here and say howdy.  adding a link to the sweetwater add since its been too long to have to remember photo posting.

https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail … 3081533146

and a little play through. 
It needs some set up and tweaking, hoever its really nice!



(5 replies, posted in Poems)

Thanks guys. 
Phill - Well I couldn't let anyone down now could I? LOLOL big_smile   

I was just listening to the brand new Metallica release and as per usual, i was putting my own lyrics to their music.  Now to Figure out how to do my own version.     


(5 replies, posted in Poems)

Moving fwd we seem to go back
Every succession brings a
backlash of regression

Freedoms fought for
now destroyed
Freedoms of the many
stolen by the few.

Who’s going to remember choice?
Everybody’s got a voice
Screaming at the top of your lungs
Won’t diminish what on my tongue!

Say what you have to say
Just remember
I don’t have to think that way

What’s right for you
is not how l must see.
You be you
Just let  me … be … me. 


(7 replies, posted in Song requests)

jets60 wrote:

Verse chords sounds to me like Dm C Gm Am7 x 2 (and the lead tab plays around these chords)
Chorus sounds like Gm C Dm; Gm C F Am7; Gm C Dm; Gm C Am7; F C Dm Gm C; F C Am7....That should get you started

man i had no idea you had done this for this song. I have loved this song for years     


(5 replies, posted in Poems)

You could use at least 3 different Metallica tunes as inspiration.

The Day that never comes.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkNfNR1WYMY
this is the most apt and close to what you wrote.     


(5 replies, posted in Poems)

TIGLJK wrote:

Sounds great  Scott !

I believe you might be closing in on Joey,Joey,Joey as I see a whole lot of guitars hanging !! smile

Looking forward to finished work.


I have maintained the count the last few years. Its at 12 playable and 3 needing repair big_smile     


(5 replies, posted in Poems)

This is in work, using this riff (its actually Garage beer days with different rhythm)


Has it gotten better?
What have we to show?
Society regressing
The common man now a debtor.

Another day comes.
Another day goes.
Tell me where are we going?
No one knows.

New days like old
Old days anew
Beware the rising tide,
It’s coming for you

Another day comes.
Another day goes.
Tell me where are we going?
No one knows.

Dogs of war still howl to the sky
Crawling out from under a rock 
testing integrity,
while playing who has a bigger c@#k

Psychopathic personalities roam everywhere
There is no solution to the public pollution
Nothing to do but stop and stare.
I see no gods granting absolution.

New days like old
Old days anew
Beware the rising tide,
It’s coming for you


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

nice 2 chord song     


(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


Is it Christmas Eve?  We have been visited by 3 ghost!     

Vocal range and guitar is something I have struggled with forever, along with oening my voice up and being confident in it. My first vocal coach was very traditional and classic. Things just did not gell very well.

My new coach is More Rock /Metal based.  He also is a proformance based coach.  He has been very good in helping me to "Find my Voice".
During this past weeks lesson all of the sudden he stops me and is like "Hey you are a Baritone!, not a standard baritone,but in that upper bass and baritone range."  "NOW tune to D standard".

I replied "OH OK SO WE ARE GONNA MOTLY CRUE IT!" (Among many others LOL)  But since doing that,, it feels like many things are comfortably falling in place! its still fresh, but working really well! 

In the process of dropping all the guitars! I will have a few adjusted and intonated for the
D tuning. (starting with my Gibson Explorer)



(Squire Afinity Tele with H-90 pups,  RP500 setting with the Sparkel Drive into Bugera V5 and a Bugera 2X12)   Vocals,,,, dry,, be nice big_smile


(Squire Afinity Tele with H-90 pups,  RP500 setting with the Sparkel Drive into Bugera V5 and a Bugera 2X12)   Vocals,,,, dry,, be nice big_smile


(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Audio to follow. I used a picture so I would not have to reformat  everything a 7th time lol



(6 replies, posted in Electric)

Juolengi wrote:

bad words are, first of all, an indicator of how a person is brought up, only the weak pronounce them because they are unable to express themselves normally

WOW! Did you think of that all by yourself?  Pretty sure if you were to look at any of my 2000 plus post you would see that I am very well versed.  So stop spamming and have something useful to say.     

I'm still working on my version. Like I said, it is notg metalized , its "SOCIALIZED" as in SOCIAL DISTORTION style.  Just got to get it refined.     


(6 replies, posted in Electric)

Phill Williams wrote:

Hi Beamer, congratulations on you reunion, but I wouldn't be doing my job if I let the semi-bad words get through...sorry.

no worries big_smile  I did a direct copy and paste. Forgot to PG it LOL.  (But really, how many minors even bother with this page? big_smile  )

ill put something acceptable in its place.     


(6 replies, posted in Electric)

Let me Take you on a little trip back to 1986, This budding guitarist has had 1 pos and 2 ok"ish" electrics, then had a pretty nice Ibanez Strat.

This is the year I got my very first IRS return. I went directly to my favorite (family owned even to this day) music store, looked on the small rack of "Yes Scott, we got some new stuff in this last week" guitars. I looked right at this guitar and said THAT ONE! Add a hard case and this G20C.

It all was rung up. I took out my return check ($1000) and signed it over. I was still a few hundred short.

Scott -"Put it all in the back and I'll have it all paid off in a few weeks"
Frank (Shop owner) "We know you, take the new gear and enjoy, we know you will pay it off."

NO KIDDING??  For a 18Yr old kid who loitered and played with their toys every other weekend. (I had bought 3 prior bargain used guitars from them) this meant a lot then and still does.

That my friends is how a family owned shop stays around and gets its rep. Not to mention knowing the loyal clients.
So after all that, in 1990 I was trying to be an adult on my own. I had to pawn all that gear to live. Now, 32 years later I located another one. I hope its the same beautiful pearl white as my old one.

Yes its a Nostalgia purchase. But not passing it up either!



(17 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Phill Williams wrote:

...no snickering at the back of the classroom please! I always think warm olive oil helps.

PARTY POOPER! I bet warm olive oil helps! LOL  - I just couldn't resist!     


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

ctech wrote:

Thanks Jim.  Thought I'd try and do something different, more something my father would like. I used a yamaha aw1600 Professional audio workstation to record it it like 16 years old but does a good job.  The sounds are my yamaha apx600 and the fest from old technics kn6000 and me singing into sure sm58.

Old  dont mean bad LOL. Look at all the classic Nieve boards that are out there and sought after big_smile