THE ADVENTURES OF A RELUCTANT PRINTER  --  by David Butler,  aka ''Buvvy''. It's in the publishing stage at the moment, and will hopefully be out in about a month from now.
Other than my first foray into novel writing, I read anything and everything in the line of mysteries and adventure. I also enjoy browsing thru my collection of guitar mags and surf mags, which date back to the early sixties. cool


(518 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Tennesee Ernie Ford, 16 Tons and the Ballad of Davey Crockett. My first 78 purchase, waaaay back when. Memories, memories and more memories. Wonderful. roll


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

How about that lol  lol  lol,  i'm on a roll.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I'll really have to figure out how to use them lol along with the rest of the 'puter


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

But it's a very definite necessity in this day and age.


(37 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Topdown, that is a great photo, very different to most beach shots.
Yesterday and last night we melted, and today, well it's overcast and drizzling, and the surf is small. Go figure. It's definitely a day to put a few chords to some unfinished tunes. Have a great day, wherever you might be


(37 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Over here in Cape Town, it's  33 degrees, blue skies, NO WIND, very unusual for us in summer, and LUVVERLY. My nephew lives in London, and loves the cold weather, [it's beyond me, but what can I say, he is family]. It's just gone 6pm and i'm off for a swim.


(5 replies, posted in Poems)

Very esoteric, brilliant writing and strong imagery. Well done Dolly.

There she was,  almost 95,  dancing in the isle, doing the high five,  all her friends were rockin' too,  gimme a kiss,  you naughty rock 'n roller, who said i need to walk with a stroller,  they all had fun, they all danced too,  kicking up their heels,  forget about going to the zoo,  it was fun,  it wore them all out,  i'm 95, look at me twist and shout,  we want you back,  you naughty rock 'n
roller, next year i'll be 96,  and we're going to do this all over.
Maybe you can use this, or add to it, for your next performance.

Way to go, Jerry. Good for you,

Your'e a good man pix. Well done.


(13 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Insert ''t'' up above.


(13 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Saw them at the Albert Hall, London, in 1970. Brilliant. Taj Mahal and Steamhammer were the other groups on he bill.

Many thankx Dolly and Kap54 - David

Me too. And i'm not from bolgaria or Bulgaria. Rock on, Sir Rod.

Thankx Ark, I'm happy to leave things they are. As long as it's readable. Who knows what will happen if i try to edit anything. My fingers and computers are not exactly a match made in cyber heaven. Thankx again.

Chordpro error: The song does not contain chords. Please include at least two chords in brackets within the text, like this: [C7].


(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Cheers Ken, remember the words of general Douglas MacArthur  --  ''I shall return''.


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Excellent stuff, nice and deeeeeep. A great write, with great overtones.

Hilarious writing, but also very telling. I'm 62 and doing my very best not to age another minute after reading this excellent piece.


(11 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi DC, very telling words and very, very true.
Dolly, I second what you said all the way. Over time all things pass and we carry on. It hasn't exactly been a bed of roses this side of the pond, but up above the rain clouds the sun always shines.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Pix, I have a dvd of Riding Giants, which I have watched over and over. Seriously good stuff. Yesterday we boiled, today was iffy, and now at 4.45pm it is about to rain. Very strange ?????


(6 replies, posted in Poems)

A great write, real food for thought.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

No snow, but it is 35 degrees and the surf is good.


(7 replies, posted in Poems)

Great stuff, Dolly, right up my street. Great writing. The whole world's weather is turning upside down. Over here we are almost in the middle of summer, low 30's every day, the real hot stuff comes in Jan Feb, and out of the blue we have a week of storms and floods. Now that we are back in the 30's, the rest of the country is being washed away, with severe flooding over huge areas.