(7 replies, posted in Poems)

The curve of your body
makes my head spin

A sight of your skin
is surely a sin

Your voice is a dream
Peaches and cream

We fit together
a perfect tether

In my arms
unlock your charms

Come sit on my lap
lets play some music


(9 replies, posted in Poems)

" i used to wear my fathers demob suit to the dance! no wonder i never pulled."

Will we be treated to a song / poem on this in the future?.

Jamie R


(7 replies, posted in Poems)

Where do I sign up for the Revolution????

As the old saying goes - Somethings got to give.

Jamie R


(6 replies, posted in Poems)

Phill, thanks man.
I am new at this game so am glad to hear than I'm doing something right.

Jamie R


(6 replies, posted in Poems)

Old Doll, it's so gratifying to know that someone has enjoyed something I have written.
I am a bit unsure on how to structure actual songs at the moment.The more I read of the work by the brilliant songwriters / poets here on Chordie I'm sure it's going to help me.

Thanks for taking the time to give feedback.
Much appreciated.

Jamie R


(7 replies, posted in Poems)

Thanks Old Doll, it's the same here in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Two years ago my company employed 180 people.
The recession hit us hard and now we have fewer than 80.
Three couples I know lost their houses and cars.

Whatever happens the Banks seem to win.

Jamie R


(6 replies, posted in Poems)

Thanks for your positive comment Mekidsmom.
I was worried it was a bit vague and obscure and wouldn't make sense.
I wanted it to seem like I was describing a person and at the end try to hit the reader with a bit of a twist.
Hope I succeeded.

Jamie R


(6 replies, posted in Poems)

You stare at me with a steady gaze
Silently watching

Your emotions are secret
your thoughts more so

Always looking down at me

Never offering advice or help
What use are you?

They say you are important
I can't see why

You look so pure
but men have touched you

What is it you seek?
Can you feel love?

You pace in circles
A hunter closing in

You seem so close to me
but are distant

Always restless and changing
tonight you are at your Fullest

I like playing Radiohead - Creep with Barre Chords
G , B , C , Cm

Jamie R


(9 replies, posted in Poems)

I think I can relate.
Reading this I got the image in my head of Monty Python.

Nice one.

Jamie R


(7 replies, posted in Poems)

Had this dumb little poem in my head for a while now.
Thought I would post it and see the response ( if any ).

There was once a man named Jackie Hays
Of Welsh stock, Midwest raised
A farmers son who turned the soil
decided one day didn't want to toil

Where was the future in this way of life?
Didn't have the means to support a wife
Twisters or drought wore him down
On his face a perpetual frown

The Banks loan paid and repaid
Total owed never seemed to fade
Of the pittance he eventually made
Had nothing left with which to trade

Pondered on how to make some cash
Replace the '54 Chevy he'd smashed
Money sure don't grow on trees
Fall from the sky like Autumn leaves

Over the fireplace his old hunting rifle
Somehow managed his conscience to stifle
A jaunt into town to buy some lead
Deposited into his Bankers head


(2 replies, posted in Poems)

The ship lay at anchor, awaiting the sun
knowing full well of the journey to come
silently judging the folly of man
Seeker of answers and " What if I can "

To cross an ocean in search of adventure
riches for certain but worth the danger?
Dragons or kraken to take our lives
enveloped by monsters instead of our wives

ol' Lenny never made the Straight
drowned near Gosport, 'twas his fate
best swimming lessons he did own
pity he sank like a weighted stone

After the Channel the sea turned mean
boiling fury made the sky unseen
sails were torn and ropes were frayed
God fearing men knelt, trembled, prayed

The Captain held fast and true to his course
his was a will of strength and force
Prayers were answered, the storm retreated
Faith against Nature, the latter defeated

The journey wore on at a steady pace
no hurry to arrive, wasn't a race
So what if scurvy had its say
Teeth are no use to a sailor, anyway


(9 replies, posted in Poems)

Thanks everyone for the encouragement.



(9 replies, posted in Poems)

Thanks Mekidsmom, a bad time in my life but getting the feelings down onto paper ( and then computer ) seemed to help ease the hurt.

Jamie R


(9 replies, posted in Poems)

Thanks Mekidsmom, a bad time in my life but getting the feelings down onto paper ( and then computer ) seemed to help ease the hurt.

Jamie R


(9 replies, posted in Poems)

You and I were flying so high
Told by you I was your only guy
Top of your voice your undying love
I never saw the steel in the velvet glove

Your eyes lied a thousand times
Your words betrayed your selfish crimes
Whats done is done, can't go back
I guess you better go and pack

I thought you had angel wings
Saw too late the puppet strings
Sharing your love aint for me
go to him, leave me be

Great memories soured and spoiled
Is this the love for which we toiled?
Consumed by rage - system crashes
All I taste are bitter ashes

What now is left but the parting of ways
Good while we lasted - a fashionable craze
It's over and done, don't bother to cry
My love is dead - bye bye bye


(3 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Thanks guys, I guess the extra button is the only way to go.



(3 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi everyone, I have a yamaha f310 that I have been playing about 5 months now and would like to start practicing standing up.
The strap I have makes it very difficult to play close to the 1st fret, the strings from the strap get in the way.
Am I tying it behind the nut wrong or is there a trick to it?.
Any advice will be appreciated.


I'm 28 from Johannesburg, South Africa and started annoying my neighbors 3 months ago.
Still suck but I love playing guitar. Still stuggling with Em but am sure I will get there in the end - lol.

If it ain't broke - why not?


(7 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Thanks very much Doug.



(7 replies, posted in Acoustic)

As a new guitar player I have a question that will make all you pro's out there giggle into your morning coffee. In tablature when there is a fret number that has a slash / into the next number, eg 13/14 , what does it mean and what do I do?. Stupid question, maybe, but everyone is allowed one.
