Topic: Verbose Overdose

Verbose Overdose
Is it pernicious or insidious
What about  indigenous or autochthonous
It is all a sea of words
Thrown at me by scholars
Making big dollars
Are they logophiles or lexophiles
Is it a genetic adversity to big words?
That keep people like me away from university
Like a dolphin dives in and out of the sea
I dive in and out of books
Finding new words that were previously a mystery to me 

Re: Verbose Overdose

Ingenious Pedr.

Back in the 60s there was a fella named Malcolm Mugrage, excuse my spelling, and he used to use long and confusing words. When asked he just said he had no idea what half those words meant or if he used them in the correct context. Boils down to bluff and bluster.

Apparently a lot of English words were made up by Shakespeare. A lot of new words or new meanings for old words are made up by colonials?     

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

3 (edited by Peatle Jville 2023-10-07 11:11:56)

Re: Verbose Overdose

Cheers Piri, apparently a lot of modern sayings come from Shakespear. I was at a Catholic funeral and I remember the Priest saying a lazy way to deliver a good sermon is to quote the bible and something that Malcom Mugrage said or wrote about Christianity. Many of the young ones at the funeral wouldn't have known who Malcom was but people like me knew of him because he use to be interviewed a lot on TV here. One thing I like about the internet is when reading history books in the old days I would have to refer to a dictionary to find out what some words meant but now I can just look them up on the internet.

4 (edited by Jandle 2023-10-15 01:51:41)

Re: Verbose Overdose

Well done Peatle,  most of those BIG words I have never heard of big_smile   I think people make up words too, just need to look at the new words evolving these days from text messages, it can be a whole new lingo.

Big words, long words,
good words, curse words.
Shouting words, gentle words,
nice words, hurtful words.
Understandable words, indistinguishable words,
foreign words, jargon words.
Hopeful words, joyful words,
negative words, sad words.
Lost in words, forget your words,
memorable words, forgettable words.
Words unite us or words divide us,
words drive us or words stop us.
Words upset us, words encourage us,
words direct us, words connect us.

Laugh Lots ... Forgive Much ...  Love one another     smile
Covers and some Originals found over there    ------- >

5 (edited by Peatle Jville 2023-10-16 04:51:49)

Re: Verbose Overdose

Cheers Jan,  I love your poem on words. Many of the new ways people use words to describe things sometimes gets me confused such as when someone says that's real sick meaning it is real good.     Since I'm on about words here is a rundown on some Kiwi slang attached

Re: Verbose Overdose

Peatle Jville wrote:

Many of the new ways people use words to describe things sometimes gets me confused such as when someone says that's real sick meaning it is real good

A couple of years ago I was working at a place with a load of 20-somethings and their word was "dope". I was confused why they kept referring to drugs in the workplace until I figured out they were saying it was "good" or "well done" ...



-[ Musician, writer, guitarist, singer ]-

Re: Verbose Overdose

haha yep good ole Kiwi slang.     

Laugh Lots ... Forgive Much ...  Love one another     smile
Covers and some Originals found over there    ------- >