Thanks, everyone. Some cool answers there. (I especially liked the one which includes "Justin BEIBER").
In 2007, I decided to take singing lessons. The lady who taught me (should I have chosen a guy, or does it matter?) got me going really well with the piano exercises and the "do re mi" as well as the Three Stooges' "Alphabet/Consonant Song ": but then my hours at work changed and I had to stop taking the course.
I do remember when we sang together she kept telling me I was singing "harmony" with her. I don't know if she was just being kind or what.
So now what I do is... I hum along to the key the song's supposed to be in until I get a "match" with the guitar and then the "train begins to roll". More often than not, however, it "derails" somewhere along the "track" and I cuss and walk away. 
There's a song somewhere on YouTube that I did in some guy's studio and I think he "doctored" it as best he could, but it still sounds like doo-doo. I'll let y'all look it up yourselves. I'm too ashamed to post it myself. (see #2 in Amy's post above.
For Amy: When I used to go to church, I only used to "mouth" the words, so you would have been safe with me. 
Thanks everyone! Great answers!
Epiphone Les Paul Studio
Fender GDO300 Orchestral - a gift from Amy & Jim
Rogue Beatle Bass
Journal: www.wheretobud.blogspot. com