Robert Plant
All the King’s Horses (6 versions)
All the King's Horses (2 versions)
Angel Dance (3 versions)
Big Log (15 versions)
Bluebirds Over the Mountain
Darkness, Darkness (5 versions)
Harm's Swift Way (3 versions)
House of Cards (3 versions)
If I Were a Carpenter (4 versions)
In the Mood (3 versions)
Let the Four Winds Blow (4 versions)
Like I've Never Been Gone (4 versions)
Moonlight in Samosa (2 versions)
Morning Dew (3 versions)
One More Cup of Coffee (5 versions)
Satan Your Kingdom Must Come Down (3 versions)
Ship of Fools (3 versions)
Skip's Song (5 versions)
Song to the Siren (4 versions)
The May Queen
The Only Sound That Matters