(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Zurf, I have to admit that I LOVE reading your posts. You are one of the most well-composed individuals that I have read in a while.

Thank you,


(4 replies, posted in Electric)


     I've gotten a few notes regarding "Rock Chord Progressions" such as...


But I have no idea how they seem to apply to the pattern of "1-4-5" like everyone says.

According to the "1-4-5" pattern it would look like...


Can someone explain how this works?



(8 replies, posted in Electric)

Check out Http://www.rondomusic.net for the best LP copies available.

I have the Agile - Silverburst LP



(11 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Lilliepop wrote:

hello all,

if you look up some of the greatest players  you will find that even some of them have the fattest of fingers and play excellently. I have seen it in person for myself. Don't stress too much about your hand size. and please dont take the strings off of the 12 string guitar. it was meant for picking and sounds great. you just have to take your time while playing. you will find that even if you were learing on a Ukelele that you would learn to play well.

Amen to that!!!

Your larger fingers are a blessing in disguise that you may not know about.
A lot of times, if your fingers are too thin, barring more than one string at a time is difficult. Like with the "A" chord...it requires barring the d-g-b strings at the 2nd fret. I have to use at least 2 or 3 fingers to do it whereas you can probably do it with 1 fingertip.

Larger fingers also help to deaden that upper and lower strings next to the one you are picking so that if you do make a mistake and hit the wrong strings, they won't make any sound...only the one that you want to hear sound from. With my skinny little fingers, I have to make sure that I have everything exactly where it is supposed to be because if not, I have no ability to deaden the other strings cause my fingers are so small.



(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I play in my church band and when it comes down to it, there are only a few guitar patterns and techniques that are played in mainline gospel music.
But when I play I don't even conform to any one set area of music, I throw in whatever sounds good with the song that is playing. No one knows that I'm using a rock-riff or a blues-lick when I'm playing because it's all a part of the music.
I find that the usual commonly accepted 1-4-5 chord progressions work well with christian/gospel music JUST like they do with Rock music.



(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

bobby6string wrote:

yall are thinking too much.    go drink a beer and jam

That's right, if I wanted to get deep into math again I'd go back to school.
I know that the guitar contains factual mathematical principles while using it, but I'm not at the point where I want to focus on that right now.

I think that the mathematical aspect of guitar playing is when you get more into the "Zen" of playing and lots of guitar theory and brainy stuff.

Right now, I'm gonna play it normal and just rock out.



(55 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Capture Osama Bin Laden...




(25 replies, posted in Electric)

nzlectric wrote:
Roger Guppy wrote:
nzlectric wrote:

hi i finally come to an end in learning the guitar. i dont know where to go anymore, im stuck.

You have a had a lot of good advise already posted and I can add little more to what has been said but ask question and give you one suggestion.

The question. What exactly are you stuck on? Maybe you can then be given some specific advice on how to proceed.

The suggestion. Try taking a few lessons. One to one help may be all you need to overcome the current hurdle.

I know it has already been said but to give up now is to waste all the time and effort you have already put in. I think that SouthPaw's suggestion of a short break to contemplate what you have already achieved is very sound advise.

Take care,


thanks roger. by the way, im still practising on the backing track that you sent me. thanks again for that.
i think im really having a hard time on tab reading, mostly those advance ones. just seems so confusing. and maybe lack of friends to prctice with. cant afford to do a tuition so i bought a dvd lesson.

Amen!! Having people to practice with REALLY helps. One of my employees brought in her acoustic guitar and we played "Zombie" by the Cranberries and it was SOOOO AWESOME!! We both learned new techniques from each other that we didn't know.

Try to hook up with someone and play, it will change your outlook and ability for the better!



(2 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

gitaardocphil wrote:

How can you put a picture in "this field" to show a guitar; or an other instrument.
Copy and Paste gives nothing.

You would use HTML tags. "[img]" and "[/img]"

For images you would use a format like this... "[img]hxxp://www.your_picture_link_here[/img]"



(14 replies, posted in Electric)

last_rebel wrote:
cytania wrote:

Ta Rebel, 7) Remember guitars are personal, one person's 'uh-oh' is another person's 'hey wow!'.
8) Remember even within one Brand and one model guitars vary. You may just hit on the guitar that got superior body wood through some fluke...

Keep in mind that a bad sound is one of the easiest ways to get discouraged from playing..... and i've tried several different models and even a couple of different instruments from the walmart first act guitars and i didn't care for any of them.
Besides that the whole company doesn;t even seem to know ANYTHING about the guitar... do you think thier strings come in different guages? NO. Do thier picks come in different thicknesses? NO. Do thier amplifiers have proper distortion and overdrive switches? NO..... tust me these people don;t know anything about the guitar they're just making money off of people. They're more the spoiled rich kids that WANT aguitar cuz its cool but dont have any intention of learning it

Amen! I second every single thing that you said "Last Rebel".
If my wife hadnt' bought me that first act guitar I would have given it away by now.



(14 replies, posted in Electric)

gitaardocphil wrote:

My experience is: take a guitar, sit on an amp, just like you sit on a horse, DO NOT CHANGE THE KNOBS OF THE AMP, try a bunch of guitars, and you will feel the sound through your body, and the one who gives you the best results AUDITIVE and SENSITIVE, that should be the one, also, how iso the guitar in your hands, and is the way to play easy

Somehow I think this method will work better for women than men...LOL!


upyerkilt wrote:

that looks quiet nice but one problem for me, it plugs in,lol.
Acoustic for me all the time.





(25 replies, posted in Electric)

nzlectric wrote:
Detman101 wrote:

There are tons of things to learn about playing a guitar, but the main thing to remember is to have fun. Learn at a comfortable speed, and try not to get frustrated if it seems like you're not learning as much as you'd like, or as fast as you'd like. If you already know how to play an instrument, you know it requires a lot of patience....

Good luck...

thanks detman. its just that its seems that i cant get any song sounding right and i cant understand some of the tabs. i dunno i get really really frustrated.

Well, what can't you understand about the tabs? You do realize that sometimes people submit tabs that are incorrect right? The problem may not be your understanding...it is probably just a bad set of tabs.
It has happened to me about 7 times since I found this site. I'll have my guitar in tune, and I know my strings are not old or dead....but the song just won't play right. So I minimize the window with the tabs that I have open and open another version of the same song's tabs from a different person.

And wouldn't ya know it....it usually sounds right when I try a different version of the tabs or chords.

Don't let little setbacks discourage you dude. If you know how the song sounds originally you can just play it as you go along and write your own tabs to it. I do that as well all the time!

If you have made it this far, you CAN go further!
I would encourage you to keep at it and find ways around the problem, don't let it stop you.


I have this guitar...



Rondomusic.net has great guitars at reasonable prices.



(25 replies, posted in Electric)

There are tons of things to learn about playing a guitar, but the main thing to remember is to have fun. Learn at a comfortable speed, and try not to get frustrated if it seems like you're not learning as much as you'd like, or as fast as you'd like. If you already know how to play an instrument, you know it requires a lot of patience....

Good luck...


(14 replies, posted in Electric)

last_rebel wrote:

i've got a squire stratocaster that i got a few years ago, personally found it to have a good sound for the money, and it was good to learn on.
Ive played the real cheapo walmart guitars and i would strongly reccomend NOT to go that way, sounds rattly and buzzy and crap.

I agree. My first guitar was a "First Act" (read WALMART Guitar) and it was the biggest drawback in my progress.
The pickups were horrible, the strings were horrible, the action was horrible, the tone of the guitar was horrible.
It was great to learn on for the first 2 weeks but I outgrew it so fast there was a sonic boom.

If you only have 100 dollars to spend, Start out with a quality guitar for that same money. Buy Agile.



(31 replies, posted in Electric)

jerome.oneil wrote:
Detman101 wrote:

I usually play the A minor pentatonic scale (I think that's what this one is called).
That pattern can be played anywhere on the neck.


That's "pattern 4."  The fourth of five minor pentatonic patterns.    It's only Am when you start on the 5th fret.  If you start on the 7th, it's B minor pentatonic.  Start on the 3rd, and it's G minor, etc.

SWEET!! Thank you! Can you tell me what all the different fret positions for "Pattern 4" are please.
That will help me so much you couldn't understand it!!!

Thank you thank you thank you thank you,


(25 replies, posted in Electric)

nzlectric wrote:

hi i finally come to an end in learning the guitar. i dont know where to go anymore, im stuck.

No, you can't let it go because you're stuck.
We all get stuck! Sometimes I feel like when I pick up the guitar and play it's the same silly pattern of chords all the time.

But I push thru it and make variations on the pattern and it turns into something beautiful!!
We all need a base set of fingerings that we start out on and expand on.
Maybe that is all that you're defaulting to....it's okay. We all do that.


Don't give it up, this is too precious of a gift.



(14 replies, posted in Electric)

cytania wrote:

1) Go to guitar shop, pick up guitars, learn about weight, shape and feel. Some electrics are seriously heavy/uncomfortable.
2) Avoid Fender and Gibson - expensive. Avoid Squier - cheap. Check out Yamaha, Ibanez, Lag, Tokai...
3) Ask to try out some guitars, don't try to play anything fancy, just listen for a good sound.
4) Look to buy a basic 10W practice amp; volume, tone, overdrive/gain.
5) If you really want crazy metal effects a Line6 Pod or Vamp2 will burn away the hours.
6) Consider starting with an acoustic, they have an easier learning curve but it's a matter of taste, if you've gotta rock....

Step 3.5) After you find a favorite guitar type, go to http://www.rondomusic.net and get your guitar from there for 1/4 the price of the regular version.



(31 replies, posted in Electric)

I usually play the A minor pentatonic scale (I think that's what this one is called).
That pattern can be played anywhere on the neck.

It looks like this (play these frets on these strings)

e - 5 & 8
b - 5 & 8
g - 5 & 7
d - 5 & 7
a - 5 & 7
E - 5 & 8

The "5 & 7" parts are just two frets apart and the "5 & 8" parts are three frets apart.
You can put any of the notes in this pattern together and get sounds that go good together.

There are many other "Blues Boxes" but this one is my favorite that I always seem to automatically play.

Good luck,


(40 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

gitaardocphil wrote:

Well Detman and also our friend ssttsstt, all those stories are a FAR FROM MY BED show, until it happens to you.
Some partners (I prefer to use this word) are like that, it is their character, and even worse, the more you tell the truth, like a concert that ended 30 minutes to late, the more they don't believe you. I dare to call me a kind of expert, because it used to be my job as medical doctor (now non-active due to severe medical reasons), and in my job, I was known more as a kind of "shrink", because on 100 cases, I traeted 95, and maybe 5 went to a psychiatric doc.
What I want to tell is that I've been on both sides of similar problems. The subject of this topic is very delicate, especially being a kind of therapist myself, and I refuse to make conclusions, if I don't know the situation. I can just write about mine. I hate it to tell, but because of my position, and a kind of Rock&Roll attitude I was very popular for a lot of women. This can be already a cause. Who doesn't like female attention?? But forget this, and see what your partner likes or wants. Probably attention, communication, and some partners use high standards, often influenced by their friends, relatives, and a common thing is jealousy.
Detman, why is she jealous of you, playing guitar: do you play at home? I know that a lot of people want to be CENTRAL in a relation. If you play at home, and you stay playing at home, she's maybe jealous just because you pay more attention on your guitar, or she is convinced that your guitar is numero uno, and she feels herself pushed away in the second position.
Always start with one important fact: YOU CAN NOT CHANGE ANOTHER PERSON, YOU CAN ONLY CHANGE YOURSELF. I really want to talk about it with you, and I WILL ALWAYS TRY TO BE NEUTRAL, I do hope to receive an email, and I will try to help you as good as I can (knowing my profession!!). Upyerkilt is right, and at least try to convince her that she will always be the NUMBER ONE, but she has no right to take your guitar away. In the pre-PC world, and still now, how many man are member of the board of a baseball, or football team, or are responsable for church, school? I have done a lot things wrong, being too busy with my work and neglecting my family. The more you run away using your job as the perfect alibi, the worse it gets, and on a certain moment there will be a COMMUNICATION breakdown. Try to communicate as much as you can, and not discussing as much as you can. I don't know how long you are together, try to change your attitude or try at least to show her that she comes in the first place. I am even convinced that it is not the guitar who causes this problem, so try and try and try.
And ssttsstt: are you sure about this? If there is one thing I hate, well people who tell you if seen your wife.... I have a beautiful daughter who has a super boyfriend. If I should see that guy with some other girl, I don't think I would tell it, because someone ruined a relation I had because of similar problem. It looks cruel, but I think I never told someone to stop a relation, or other things. You can see my email, and you are welcome to mail me.
I hope I could help, even if it's only for 5%

Thank you phil. You hit the nail on the head when you said...
"If you play at home, and you stay playing at home, she's maybe jealous just because you pay more attention on your guitar, or she is convinced that your guitar is numero uno, and she feels herself pushed away in the second position."

I found out this weekend that the problem is that I make her feel like the guitar is #1 instead of her. I will have to work on building up her confidence or something and making her understand that it's just a hobby that makes me very happy and that she is still my #1.

Thank you,


(40 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hello fellow Chordians,

    IS there anyone else out there besides me that is dealing with a jealous spouse? Not jealous of a person...but jealous OF YOUR GUITAR PLAYING!

My wife is jealous of the time I spend playing the guitar and even calls it my "girlfriend".

Is anyone else dealing with a jealous spouse that just doesn't understand your love of music?



(22 replies, posted in Electric)

kath628 wrote:

On a last note...I hug my guitar every night(but have not attempted reproduction)At 44 I'm done giving birth, and that would be a difficult one. LOL! I have a hubby who is not music oriented at all and not very supportive of our guitar playing and love of writing and music. I dont know how that happened but it did, and so yes, my guitar is probably what you could say is my "main squeeze"

I feel your pain. I have a wife that absolutely despises my guitar playing and hates my silverburst lp with almost passion as my love for it. It makes things VERY difficult. Hmmm...I think I'll start a topic about this particular issue.



(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

"Easy Tiger" By Depeche Mode


(1 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Congrats!! I long to hear that one day myself...
