(2 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I play in Double Drop-D and I've only found a difference in the higher strings.
I get a better sound barring the top three strings but when I go to do standard sounds I have to put the top string's fingering two frets up to get the same sound.
I thank Neil Young for introducing me to Drop-D Modal!!!




(4 replies, posted in Electric)




(52 replies, posted in Electric)

alvee33 wrote:

I picked my guitar up about 18 months ago after a break of about 10 or 11 years. It was hard getting those fingers back into shape. I have now only just reached a point where i am happy play for family and friends but 18 months ago even that would have sent me screaming from the building.
I don't know how many guitars you have but if you have more than one why not offer one to the guy as a loaner to see how he gets on. After a couple of months and he is still the same them fair enough. Just a thought.

Thats not a bad idea Al, I'll offer him my 2nd guitar this week when I see him. I am expecting flak from the wife already, she bought me that guitar and has all kinds of sentimental connections to it. I do too but not as much as her.

Well, this sunday, the pastor officially announced me to the congregation as the new guitarist so perhaps things will begin to change with the rest of the band.



(52 replies, posted in Electric)

alvee33 wrote:

Just a thought Dm, but are there any other budding guitarists in the church who may benefit as much as yourself to a short get together to bounce things off each other. Send the feelers out for anyone else who may be even more reluctant than you were originally to get involved. Once you get together a couple of times you'll be amazed at how much good you can do for  each other.
I also hope you get the material from Bootlegger so you can get it down with some chords for some popular songs. I know the group in my church always have at least a word sheet with corresponding chord changes so that nobody gets lost half way through a song.

Good luck and God bless,

Al V


    Well...there is one other guy that "supposedly" plays guitar in my church. He always talks about how he used to play 13 years ago and how he is saving up for a guitar. I have offered him my guitar to play something on in between sunday school and regular service and he always declines. It's like he doesn't even want to hold the guitar just to show me the stuff he always talks to me about. I used to talk to him a lot about guitar but I've stopped as of a month ago because it seems like he is all talk and no action.

There are a lot of people that talk a good game but can't show what they claim. I've preemptively placed him in that bunch until he either buys another guitar or decides to show me something on mine. I don't mean to be rude but I only get 15 minutes between services to practice and I don't really want to spend it listening to someone wax smart on complicated guitar theory to make themselves feel better. So....I just kinda politely stay as far behind my audio mixing board  as possible when that time of the day comes around.

Other than him, there is one guy who plays bass but he can't bring his stuff to church anymore cause he got married and had a kid and is more obedient than me.



(6 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Wes Borland uses a loop pedal in this sample if you're interested in listening to it.
You can also find him using the same loop pedal to create this song on the youtube video for "Penang Clinic5"
where he creates a full on song for the crowd using nothing but the loop pedal.



(25 replies, posted in Electric)

mrjay wrote:


If you like Drop-D tuning, why don't you give these songs a shot?

Bartender & Don't drink the water (Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds)

They're easy to play and sound amazing once you figure out the rhythms. Great to sing along to as well.

"Don't drink the water" used to be one of my favorite Dave Matthews Band songs.
I love the dark tone it has. I will look it up on chordie later tonight!



(13 replies, posted in Electric)

cytania wrote:

You may be better off getting a cheap drum machine NZ, just make sure it has plenty of presets for rock and pop, so you don't end up spending all your time programming drums (thataway is the long slippery slope into dance music ;-)  ! ).

Ahahahahahahaahaha!!! Good one!!! smile

cytania wrote:

I can say from personal experience playing along with a  drum track smartens up your timing alot. Also some rock tracks that sound a bit wrong with just guitar come alive when there's drums pounding away. 'Don't Bring Me Down' by ELO comes to mind, it needs a pounding beat to happen ('Modern Rock Drums 1' on Garageband - the apple mac software).

True indeed. You may also want to check out Http://www.jamcenter.com
That site has multiple tracks you can play along with and you can even pick the key that they play in.
It's awesome!!!



(2 replies, posted in Electric)


     I recently watched a video on Youtube of Wes Borland (of Limp Bizkit fame) creating a song using a Boss rc-50 looper, a violin bow and an "E-Bow".

It's an amazing thing to watch and I've linked you to a sample of the song for you to hear.
It's here:  wes borland - penang clinic.mp3 - 7.10MB

I found out by reading in the comments that he uses an "E-bow" in one part of the song.
What I wanted to know is, does anyone have any experience with one of these things?
I may try to pick one up for the fun of it if I can find one cheap on ebay.



(52 replies, posted in Electric)

alvee33 wrote:

I find this topic utterly amazing. I cannot believe that the musicians in your church have treated you like this. Some people tend to forget that they had to learn too.
I have kept my guitar pretty much a secret from my church group because when they find out they will be HOUNDING ME TO JOIN IN! But I don't feel confident enough yet.

This group of people in your church need to realise that they may not always be there. For whatever reason they may move on, or whatever. Where does this then leave your church? With nobody left to carry on the music. They need to see the bigger picture and realise that the work of the church is what's important and not their own little private club.

Most churches that I know are desperate for people to join their groups (for all activities) so that they can carry on into the future. This even goes as far as welcoming people without any church background in the hope at showing people what it's all about and sparking an interest  in their spiritual life.

What surprises me most is that they do not even invite you to rehersals. They are quite happy to watch you struggle away DURING SERVICES and then tell you to pipe down! Something not right there.

I have nothing but admiration for the way you have stuck it out.

Thank you. I, also, have the desire to be 100% on point when playing with my church but I realize that I never get to be around any other musicians or live music except when I'm at church. That was the only thing that brought me out of my shell enough to even try playing with them. It was a real kick in the pants when I realized that I wasn't allowed into the "Inner Circle".  Heck, I saw this one praise group online that had a drummer, keyboardist, 4 electric guitars, 2 bass guitars and one acoustic guitar! And they were all praising the Lord wonderfully! There's no set formula for how you praise the Lord. But I realize now that this isn't about them, it's about God! It's about praising Him my own way and helping to lift HIM up in any way that I can, irregardless of what anyone else does to try to hold me back.

I just keep looking at it like this....

If I made it through high-school and the pennyannie mindsets there....I can DEFINITELY make it through this!
This is proving to be much easier to overcome than high-school. AND....I have GOD on my side now!! I didn't know Him back in high-school, but I wish I did.



(3 replies, posted in Electric)

I've never heard of them but I'm going to take this chance to look them up.
Since joining this board I've discovered Agile and Wesley guitars.
Hi-quality knock-offs of the expensive models for lower prices... big_smile



(52 replies, posted in Electric)

rjstua wrote:
Detman101 wrote:

Greetings everyone,

         This past sunday was the first succesful attempt at playing with the church band. I pointed my amp towards me and played on. I found that with the amp pointed towards me, it was easier to roll the volume knob and find the right notes to play, they turn the knob all the way up and play along with the band.

And people could hear me too!!! Well, the front row of the audience could hear me.... =p
But it's a start!!!


Fella, I'm really pleased for you! Keep right at it and keep on rocking my man big_smile

Thank you, I feel so connected to my guitar right now. It feels good not to feel lost.



(36 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Sin - Stone Temple Pilots
All the solos in "Cortez the Killer" by Neil Young



(52 replies, posted in Electric)

Greetings everyone,

         This past sunday was the first succesful attempt at playing with the church band. I pointed my amp towards me and played on. I found that with the amp pointed towards me, it was easier to roll the volume knob and find the right notes to play, they turn the knob all the way up and play along with the band.

And people could hear me too!!! Well, the front row of the audience could hear me.... =p
But it's a start!!!


patrickjacques wrote:

I must agree with Roger. I have my guitars on a stand  (both acoustic and electric) in the living room and it is just so much easier to pick up the acoustic whe the urge to play hits me

YES!! That is the exact reason I want an acoustic!


So, if we post our tabs on another website and host them there, chordie will pull them from off of the internet?
That's pretty smart. I wish the other sites had thought about doing that. they might still be around....



(52 replies, posted in Electric)

Old Doll wrote:

Hi Bootleger,
What a beautiful reply to det101!
What kind of people can they be to let him struggle like that?  Or Maybe i am being unchristian to them? May be he hasnt let anyone know how he is feeling?,which is even worse! No wonder he sounds so lonesome!

Our church choir years ago, had 2 of  the most colourful characters.. One was Christine Aguilera, Way before the real one! And the other was a guy who was a one man James Last ? Our PP used nearly pull his hair out at times.
And lots of people used to come to church to see the allagations of these 2.
They were still praiseing the lord in their own way,and wonderful with it! Where does it say we have to be perfect?

He has had some great help from the forum, I am so glad for Him.!

Old Doll.

My problem is that the band in my church is more of a "Closed Circle" than something friendly and open as it should be. Even when our church visists other churches, all of the musicians seem to know each other and they just "Click" together and anyone outside of them gets ignored. I have spoken to other guitarists at jurisdictional church functions and heard the same information from them. It's sad that the only other musicians I get info from and help from are from other churches.




(52 replies, posted in Electric)

jaygordon75 wrote:

I truly hope that it's just misunderstandings and learning pains and not egos at work with your Church group...sometimes getting a good sound is a real challenge. Typically I'll set my amp over to the side and point it back at me and away from the keyboard...that way I can hear it and use it for a monitor...once I get my sound set then I'll place a mic in front of the amp and the sound tech can mix it with the overall sound. Sometimes this is difficult in a smaller church with limited space and sound resources but ideally the amps should each be micd and the drums should be "boxed in" in with a plexiglass sheild and also micd...then let the sound person mix everything. I find that I can stand in front of my amp and hear what I'm doing over the overall mix, or I can step to the side and hear the stage monitor to hear everything. Hopefully you are able to have some practice sessions to check things out...

Believe me, I am hoping that it is misunderstandings too. I will find out eventually. I never get offered to practice with the band. I don't think that they really "See" me as anything more than the "audio technician". I get tempted all the time to turn down their mics and let myself be heard, but I know that is just not nice so I don't do it.
I am going to stick to my guns and have my amp pointed directly at me this time, even if no one else hears me I can enjoy all the lovely feedback! big_smile Hehehehehehe....


I chose an electric because it's the sounds that I hear in my head all the time.
I learned a lot faster on an electric than I ever did in my 12 years of playing around with an acoustic.

See...I had an acoustic since I was a child but I could never get it to make the sounds that connected with my heart.
Because of that, I never took playing the guitar seriously or really practiced. I learned one song on one string in the whole 12 years that I had that acoustic guitar.

Then when I got my first electric guitar....wow, the floodgates opened up. I started trying to play everything I could hear. TV commercials, songs on the radio, songs that played on my kids toys. EVERYTHING!
Heck, I played the theme song to "The Backyardigans" for a good 2 weeks before I moved on to the next thing to play. =p

Now that I have had experience with electric guitar I am very interested in going back and getting an acoustic so that I can expand my abilities. I also want an acoustic because I don't have to set it up and take out all the equipment to play it loud. I would be able to hear the acoustic outside without an amp. If I play my electric guitar without an amp it sounds very quiet and "tinny". The Acoustic guitar would let me hear everything loud and require no setup time.



(52 replies, posted in Electric)

patrickjacques wrote:

yo detman since you are the only guitat player you might ask the keyboard player to get together just you and him and work at figuring the chords to the songs. have him play his chord and slide a bar chord up and down the neck until you hit the right chord.You can the transform it to an open chord. One thing I would suggest also is that at the next preformance you bring a tape recorder and record the songs. With the recorded music you can practice and figure out chords replaying as much and as often as needed. People often tell me that I am lucky to be such a good guitar player. I attribute that to only one thing. The amount of hours and hours I have practiced . I honestly beleive that anyone with that many hours of practice would be as good or better than me on the guitar. Keep Pushinhg and it will come

Also it is quite common when playing electric. Everyone wants to be louder than the other, thus drowning out the other guy. Place you amp so that you are standing directly in front of it and not pointing directly at the other musicians. This sould help so that at least you can hear yourself

Thank you for the advice. In my church, I am the audio technician as well as a budding guitarist.
I have recorded the band and musicians singing on multiple occasions and have quite a few of their songs that I play to at home to practice. I will admit that I do a lot better when there is no audience or anyone else around to hear me mess up.

I will point my amp at me this sunday so that at least I get to hear myself play. If everyone else can hear too then more power to them.  But as long as I can hear myself playing that's all that counts because I will get better. Plus, as loud as the music is, I should be able to still hear it along with my amp.




(52 replies, posted in Electric)

rjstua wrote:

perhaps you had your amp pointing at them? Does that sound too obvious? :E

But you may have the old problem of everyone wants to be heard over everyone else! (used to have that as a bass player...lol)

You know what....now that I think about it. My amp was facing kinda towards them. But I had it turned that way so that the audience could hear my amp too.



(12 replies, posted in Electric)

spaminator wrote:

<look at it like this

if he starts out with great equiptment hes gonna be more enthusiastic about playing- thus he will practice more-thus he will get better

if he starts out with a lousy squire or something then he'll be less enthusiastic about playing

I agree. I started out with a First Act guitar that the wife got me for my 30th birthday and it killed my enthusiasm. The action was higher than a stock acoustic guitar, the pickups were crappy and picked up every electronic signal except the guitar strings, The intonation was off, It never stayed in tune...

So...I went to the pawn shop and picked up a Yamaha EG-112-CL and I've been playing daily without "instrumental difficulty" ever since.



(9 replies, posted in Electric)

I also started playing in Drop-D about 2 weeks after picking up the guitar because I wanted to play "Green Day" songs and the standard tuning style power-chords were too hard for my weak fingers.

I recently discovered "Drop-D Modal" (Double Drop-D) thanks to Neil Young and 2 songs of his that I am IN LOVE with right now. "Cinnamon Girl" and "Cortez the Killer" have grabbed my heart and renewed my love of this instrument.

Right now I feel like....Even if I never play in front of anyone or with a band, I love playing and listening to these two songs so much that it's enough.



(7 replies, posted in Electric)

gitaardocphil wrote:

Do you know that GIBSON, the Memphis plant, destroy 30% of what they made, because of a sometimes almost invisible scratches, or the paint, or the sound. Some workers, they play the whole day on guitars, straight from the production line. They will not sell it, even under an other name. I don't know if they destroy the electronics.
I should like to have an epiphone (have a Sheraton) solid body, standard or custom. I think they are good, and I have heard other electric guitars: THE LOUDER the AMP, THE MORE SIMILAR SOUND of DIFFERENT guitars.

WOW!!! I didn't know that!!!
I would visit the Gibson Factory and go Dumpster-diving and get some quality parts.



(6 replies, posted in Electric)

I've never heard of the guy. I will check to see if there is any info on the net.



(52 replies, posted in Electric)

backinpink65 wrote:

i play contemperary christian music and most of it is in standard tuning..... so the drop D thing might be working against ya.

Ah okay. I will have to setup my second guitar for when I play in standard tuning.
I'll keep my main guitar in Double-Drop-D.
