
(17 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Leonard Cohen,Marshall Crenshaw,Warren Zevon,Of course The Beatles,Nick Lowe,Graham Parker and the rumour.So many more depending on the mood.But absolute numero uno is Leonard Cohen,77 years old and still going.If you are saying who is that,you have probably heard his songs covered by others.

Im just a strummer.I always wanted to play rythym and thats what I do.I dont even attempt to be a hero nor do i try.I have played lead parts but I dont care for it.Also im not that good anyways


(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Dont forget the clearance ends at Target.I picked up a Lyon wah pedal there on clearance for 24.00.Not a great one but it was cheap.Plus you can find all kinds of cool things on them.Not always musical but still cheap.Clothes,tools,cds and even wii games.Try it


(25 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

At least at mine,we play music.Talk and joke around,compare toys and have a good time.The songs we are working on,sometimes just noodling around with musical gibberish.No fighting ,everyone gets along(we are all older).Always remember.A bad jam session still beats the s**t out of a day at work.


(1 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)



(67 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I want 2.How do i pay.Do you take checks.Where to send?Also.I like the blue better


(9 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

does it have any didtinctive shape or design.You know how you can tell an old peavey by the silver bars or a fender by the shape of the cabinet.Is there a color or shape that brings to mind a different brand.(cloth covering,shape of cabinet,clean spot where an emblem was)

I see all your different names.Im sure these arent the names you were born with(for the most part).How did you figure out the name you are using?Ill start.My name is Joe.My nickname was Joey for a long time.Still is with a lot of people.It came from being the youngest of 3 with the same first name.My grandfather was Joe,I have a cousin Joseph who is older.Im the youngest(Joey).The name JoeyJoeyJoey came from the most obvious of places.The beginning of the Joey Bishop show.The color episodes.They would sing joey joey joey he would say son of a gun and the music would start.Plus Joey Bishop was one of my favorite actors and comedians.Thats it.A whole long paragraph for the Joey Bishop show.Thats where the name came from.How about you?


(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

this is the best site going.It doesnt take long to get to know people on here.It is almost like an extended family.I can get questions answeres when I need them.Plus you akk gave my daughter a warm welcome when she joined.Plus you have the best tabs out there.Keep up the good work   Joe


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Listen to Buzzwagon.He knows what he is saying.He advised me to do that to my fender strat and it now plays like a dream.I was ready to smash mine it was so bad.Now it is all fixed and now  belongs to GabbyTrout.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Its 4:30 am and i am getting ready for work.Might of the lepus is on TCM.Has anyone seen this classic.I saw it when I was 12 and never again since.Its about giant killer rabbits in Arizona.Question: What are the cheesiest horror movies you ever saw.It brings to mind 1984s Silent night deadly night.The only ever christmas horror movie.(it was banned the same year).Lets hear and remember fondly the cheesiest horror movies youve ever seen.  STEEL MAGNOLIAS,TERMS OF ENDEARMENT and movies like that dont count.


(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

What we call a hurricane up here,you call a windy day.Same as what you consider being buried in snow,is just a minor inconvenience for us.Some lost power.My lights didnt even flicker.My wife is from Buffalo and Maine.Being buried in snow was an everyday thing for her.Everyones bad weather isnt so bad for someone else.Except tornados.That hit the next town over.


(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

She is coming home tonight.She called when she saw the news down there.Wanted to make sure we were alright.(she is a great daughter).We are close to the area but not close enough.There was lots of rain.wind and hail.Great playing weather.All in all between the weather and having my daughter clip(hit sounds too severe) me with my own truck,Its been a fairly interesting week.How about all of you?


(39 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

My rickenbacker is called rick                                                                                            My danelectro silvertone amp in case is called Pam(after my wife,I knew her a month when I bought it in 1985.I still love Pam very much,YOU DECIDE WHICH PAM)                My Yamaha sj 180 is called Joey.Because it says joey in the front with those gold and black steel letters.Along with about 20 stickers.The rest dont have names.They are too many to keep track.Plus if you name them you get attached and dont want to let them go.(at least I do)


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

You know youre a musician when a tornado warning is an oppurtunity to play because the cellar is where all your equipment is.A touch of inclement weather here in mass. today


(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

With all the tornado warnings here in Mass. today,my wife has me going down the cellar tonight at different times.That is where all my equipment is.Oh I can play again.My wrist still hurts but I was playing today.I guess every tornado cloud has a silver lining.Anyone in the area tonight.Also Gabby is in D.C. right now where the weather is nice


(9 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Strings are like diapers?Very eloquent way of putting it.I havent changed a diaper for a long time,but I change strings a few times a year.Just remember:no matter how old a string is,it still wont smell as bad as a diaper. Just a deep thought!!!


(9 replies, posted in Acoustic)

The fact that you were using a dvd to restring tells me its youre first time restringing.It takes a few times to get restringing down to a science.I broke strings many times by winding them too tight.Like playing,restringing takes practice.When you start winding the string have the tuner ready as soon as you start winding and dont rush.Doug is also right.Bad strings do happen.Find someone who can show you how who has done it forever.I had two seasoned pros teach me twice and it was easy after the first few times.Also if youre tuner doesnt give a reading after continually turning the peg,back off and start over.Hope that helps;  Joe


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

When I was young,stores were closed on sunday.Now there is no such thing as a large empty parking lot near me.I got the feel of a car in a large empty parking lot myself.Back when cars were huge.Not crown vic big but 20 feet long.That was before the old blue laws were repealed.Times have changed


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

You know youre  a musiciann....when you take a steel body guitar to an auto detailing shop to have detailed(60.00).In a dirty rusty old junk car.Then turn down the offer to detail the car too.I did.Told him for that price(400.00),I could buy a really  nice guitar and wash the car myself


(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Whatever you do,dont buy a poulan at wal mart.JUUUUUNK.I have one.Anyone remember Wendy O Williams cutting les pauls in half with a chain saw with the Plasmatics.Cool but wrong.I bet she didnt use a poulan.What would the texas chainsaw massacre movies be like if thet used a poulan.


(36 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Same thing happened to me and my daughter.Stick with it.I used to use lighter strings at first and work my way up in time.Eventually you will get calouses and not feel any pain. Time and patience.Good luck and stick with it.Dont give up.


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Heres one for you.I came up with the genius idea of letting Gabby Trout drive my pickup in the backyard this morning.After showing her the brake and gas she went forward no problem.When she went to back it up,there was the problem.Instead of hitting the brake she floored it.She didnt get hurt but I hurt my wrist when the truck door hit me.A bunch of bushes stopped the truck or else my neighbor would have no shed or car.Now I have a few people mad at me.A hurt wrist(I cant play for a few days).I know, it was all my fault.Im laughing now,I was then.Now my daughter has sworn off driving until she is 16.Do I get the idiot  of the day award for this? It seemed like a good idea at the time


(67 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I definitely would want some.It would look cool on the back of my car.May even add to the value.Even hold it together.


(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thank you so much for all the help.I have her in now with a different email.My wifes.Thanx again to all of you.