Topic: Username
How or why did you chose the username you have? I chose mine because it has been my nickname since fifth grade.

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Guitar chord forum - chordie → Chordie's Chat Corner → Username
How or why did you chose the username you have? I chose mine because it has been my nickname since fifth grade.
I have used this name for years and years, before i even had a computer but I have never had this as a nickname.
I used upyerkilt as a way of signing off somthing I had written in a bothy.
In the song "wild rover" at the chorus it sings " and it's no nay never " then usually a few people will shout out " right up yer kilt" so i took that and used it.
Other places I am upyerkilt4fun or upyerkilt123.
It's the first syllable of my last name. Most of my friends call me "D" or "Big D", which were both taken on this forum when I registered. Zurf is the next most common nickname used for me.
- Zurf
My mom gave me mine.
Mine is a shortened version of my 1st name welded onto the phonetic sounding of the 1st intial of my 2nd name. 33 is something else entirely
Mine is a combination of the way I play guitar ( left-handed) ,and the numerical assignment is my old moto-cross( motorcycle) racing number..........
I want to change mine
I'm a carpenter and have a good eye for a straight line,bad
being good hence badeye. [use a level or snap a line to be sure lol].
mine is the name given me same as jerome, i used to use acapo when i first joined chordie last year but i like my real name its easier to remember then a whole lotta usernames
It took me forever to make mine.
I play an SG and I live in Gander. The airport code for Gander is YQX, add a C for Canada and you have CYQX.
I use my business name for my user name on everything .
G.S.Enterprises , ( my initials)
It works and it's " short ",
( just like my last name ) LOL .
Guitar chord forum - chordie → Chordie's Chat Corner → Username
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