I did this at on open mic a couple days ago so I thought Id use it for this months song.
The daylight coming in the windows washes me out but you don't need to see me.
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Guitar chord forum - chordie → Posts by unclejoesband
I did this at on open mic a couple days ago so I thought Id use it for this months song.
The daylight coming in the windows washes me out but you don't need to see me.
have fun,learn songs you dont like along with the ones you do.
dont be a slave to trying to sound like the original,follow your own path.
Someone said something similar to me in the early days of learning. His words were; "Don't try to sound like the original artist. Make it your own."
I've lived by that little piece of advice ever since. Thanks Mike.
That button doesn't seem to function at all, like today (6-15-22). Perhaps it is my computer??
I had a problem with buttons not working. Turned out that by increasing the screen size to 120% buttons at the edge of the screen were disabled.
Check your browser settings and make sure the the resolution is not more than 100%. It should solve your problem.
And I know I did listen to this one at work ... I was surprised how big the barn is, and all the instruments on the walls!! Was also surprised at the tempo you did it at; I usually go quite fast on this song (and you missed the F#->G slide thingy!!), but it was great to see so many people out having fun and making music, because that is what life is all about!!
When I learned it 30 some years ago, it was a very low point in life and that's how it came out back then. Guess I never really gave much thought to the tempo. It's just how I was feeling at the time and I've always played it that way. The "F# > G thingy?" Never even knew it was there until you pointed it out. Lol!!
I missed April so I didn't want to miss May as well.
I was at a "barn" jam Monday night. It's quite literally a barn that this fellow turned into a huge music room; complete with a bar, a stage, and all the sound equipment you could ask for. He does this every 6-8 weeks. He's in the process of installing a kitchen and bathroom also. The only thing missing is the animals. Lol! The lighting is very subdued so the quality is a bit lacking but it a great setting for an open jam.
So here is my rendition of Eric Clapton's "Promises." On stage with me is Paul on the harmonica, Jerry on the box drum, and our host Frank on the bass.
Maybe move them inside your head now.
Yep. They go into the songbook alphabetically by artist. I don't know of a way to change that.
lets go brandon is all i have to say about that
unclejoesband wrote:Thank you. No. Not mine. It's the theme song from a 1980's TV show called Cheers. I shortened it and changed the lyrics from "him" to "her".
I thought it was from "Welcome back, Kotter": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mmm3KTa601s
I'm sorry. You're right. It is Welcome Back Kotter
I'm working on "Where Everybody Knows Your Name" as well and wrote the wrong song name in the post.
Ooops look like I am in error. Not ever hearing Joe's song before I thought it was an original but from Jan's comment I guess I was wrong.
Thank you. No. Not mine. It's the theme song from a 1980's TV show called Cheers. I shortened it and changed the lyrics from "him" to "her".
unclejoe, great to see you joining in and you did a great cover of that song. Nice to hear your guest singer on your number too. That was the song I tried first to do and struggled to do, no matter what chords I changed it too, I just couldn't nail it but you did, so well done to you.
Thank you Jan. I struggled with it a bit too. That's why it didn't get posted until the last minute.
Ok. I'm just going to slip this in here late at night and maybe it will go unnoticed.
Sure enough!!
These old eyes need help with reading so I had my browser set to 125%. Brought it down to 100% and the OK button became active.
Thank you.
When I click circles next to song, and then click garbage can, the choice to cancel or delete appears . However the delete does nothing when clicked. Only the cancel works. Frustrating
Good morning Roger.
I'm having the same issue as Jaybird (without the circles ). Java is enabled and I clear cache regularly.
I highlight the song using the box to the left of it and hit the "trash" icon. A box opens with the choice to "cancel' or confirm ("OK"). The cancel button is active and works but the OK button doesn't.
Wanted to let you know it's not just Jaybird.
I would really rather not walk into a nice place that has talent night and pull out my sheet music so i can just drop it all over the floor then have to pick it up in front of an amused audience.
Yeah that's a pet peeve of mine. If I'm going to learn a song, I'm going to learn it. I don't want a music stand in front of me when I'm in front of an audience. It just feels wrong. If I miss a line or even an entire verse (which I have done on more than one occasion) I'll learn from that mistake and be much less likely to do it again.
I was at an open mic about a month ago. The girl that was on before me was using her phone in scroll mode and it froze. She was lost and couldn't finish the song. Nope. Not going there.
Like Phill, A lot of the songs I play, I've been playing for decades.
I find that most songs tell a story. When I set out to learn a new one, I'll just read through it a number of times to get the story line in my head. Once the story is seared into my leaky brain, I'll work on putting the music and lyrics together.
A very Merry Christmas to all.
Good morning Riverdales.
Yes this concept faded away after a time. We did enjoy it but life got in the way and people posted less and less frequently.
If you would like to make a suggestion maybe we can get a few people to jump in and revive this idea.
do you have one, that's your "warm-up" tune? One of my band-mates used to play a few bars of "Wildwood Flower" to get his fingers limbered up.
I don't have a particular song. I just run through various chord progressions with cowboy chords and some barre's until my hand and fingers feel loosened up.
Welcome back. So good to hear from you. Wishing you both well in all your trials.
how's it going I enjoyed watching the videos with you and your friend playing guitar and singing. Are you and him still playing music together?????
Good to see your still around.
Thank you. Yes we still play together. We played for about 6 hours at a birthday party a couple weeks ago. My fingers were mush by the end of the night. :lol
the battle is lost among the sea of Apps and public pages with higher traffic and younger adults and more freedom of expression.
Forums have been suffering for years as the tech allows for more instant communication. The younger folks seem to not want to take the time to wait for a forum response.
I check in almost every day. I just don't have a lot to say.
Oooop's. It appears my sarcasm switch was turned off last night. Lol.
unclejoesband wrote:admin wrote:Not able to reproduce this. Try rescaling the browser window/reloading the page and see it this helps. Might be an css/html issue.
Bingo!! I rescaled the browser window to 90% and the OK button became active.
Just for information purposes; normally I have the window set at 110%. Old eyes need a little help.
At this setting the OK button does not work.
So the OK button is not OK?
It does work. But I had my browser magnified to 110%. At that setting it did NOT work. When I reduce it to 90% it works
Not able to reproduce this. Try rescaling the browser window/reloading the page and see it this helps. Might be an css/html issue.
Bingo!! I rescaled the browser window to 90% and the OK button became active.
Just for information purposes; normally I have the window set at 110%. Old eyes need a little help. At this setting the OK button does not work.
Hi having a problem deleting songs from my when i press ok to delete nothing happens could you possibly help me .
Tony is correct. I just tried to delete a song. The cancel button works but the OK button does not.
Oh Zurf. You can't seem to catch a break lately. So sorry you've had to endure so much heartache in such a short period of time. I'm not quite local but if you'd like to get together for a little music therapy, let me know. It's less the 1.5 hours to your place and I'd be happy to make the trip. Seriously.
Guitar chord forum - chordie → Posts by unclejoesband
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