(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

unclejoesband wrote:
arkady wrote:

I think most of the registered members use Chordie for the songbook saving their songs for future use.
They probably don't even enter or read the forum posts...

And the ones that do, often do so when something isn't working right or when they are looking for a particular song. Then they disappear.

True enough.


(42 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Roger Guppy wrote:

OK Phill, you asked for it, so now you have it.
For everyone else. I made a recording of how I interpreted this song, however it was not until after I had recorded the backing and started the vocals that I realized that there was a chord error in the original so I sent it to Phill anyway. As he said he would like me to post it here I have re-recorded it, correcting the error, and it is now on Soundcloud:

https://soundcloud.com/roger-guppy/kiss … roundabout


Great recording of Phills song Roger.
Well done.


(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I think most of the registered members use Chordie for the songbook saving their songs for future use.
They probably don't even enter or read the forum posts and those who do lurk and don't comment.
As to attracting them to do so is open to suggestions.
I've been on Chordie for years and the forum has always retained about the same number of posters give or take..


(42 replies, posted in Songwriting)

On top form Phill great song.
Well done.

Thanks Jan, Neo and Roger for your good comments.
Neo a nice set of covers there your a versatile and talented musician a picturesque setting for them  smile
Roger always liked 'Going home' never recorded myself you did a great job with it.
I found 'Greensleeves' sort of smile I was going through my Medieval period big_smile so it sort of got used as a prolog for a piece called the 'Minstrel'

Also another piece based on 'She moves through the fair' a folk song with a strange history as to where it originated from.
http://ourstage.com/media_items/DKMCQYY … h-the-fair

I did this instrumental  a while back based on the "House of the rising sun" 
I can see it's not in the mentioned titles but hope it's worth a listen.
I've got "Greensleeves" recorded somewhere I will see if I can find it.


(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Tenement Funster wrote:
arkady wrote:

I was surprised that it has been so long from my last post. No excuse really they would all sound lame.
I have moderated a bit in the Songwriting section but it seems to have gone unnoticed. smile
Anyway I do lurk most days and will do so in the future.

Great to hear from you, Arkady1

I'm a big fan of your ambient music, and check in on your site from time to time just to listen. Are you working on any new projects these days?

Thanks for the interest TF.
I've got a few musical projects on the go and hope to complete some of them eventually.


(10 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Hi Neo
I'm a sucker for an instrumental piece always have a listen as It's mainly what I done in the past.
I don't like singing myself never have.
I enjoyed listening to this one quite laid back and easy on the ear.
Nullabor Wall does it meaning anything in Australia. Just wondering..


(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Great to have you on the Mods team TF..
As for the pickles all I have to say is "Bring out the Branston"


(8 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Hi Ctech I've done a fair number of Electro/Dance/Chill Ambient music over the years hence my Mods title..
Starting a track is mostly easy completing a track can be difficult my hard drive is littered with uncompleted projects.
I usually build my track up using a pad as a starting point to create an overall feel for the track.
I try many combos of drums percussion etc
Then I create some sort of melody that goes with the pad with a keyboard on board the pc programme or an external one.
and or on electric acoustic guitar using effects.
If your interested here's a few tracks I've done in the past it might give you a couple of ideas.:)


(22 replies, posted in Songwriting)

A very moving song ctech well sung and played.
As my grandfather served and thankfully survived all of the WW1 this song was particularly moving for me.
I remember sitting on his bed listening to his stories of life in the trenches and to my shame being bored by them at time (I was a stupid teenager)
Now much older and hopefully more wiser I understand what we owe these brave men.
My father served in WW2 and thankfully I took notice of his stories and experiences and I have an almost complete record of his times during the conflict.
They are both gone now but I'm so proud of what they did.


(21 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi. Ctech
I enjoyed your song.
The past is the past but it is a worthy subject for a song.
well done.


(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I was surprised that it has been so long from my last post. No excuse really they would all sound lame.
I have moderated a bit in the Songwriting section but it seems to have gone unnoticed. smile
Anyway I do lurk most days and will do so in the future.


(580 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

I love the guitar work on this one TF and the engineering mixing etc. Reminded me of the Echo's album.
I've  needed some inspiration lately and this is the best thanks for posting.
Also The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway is one of my all time doubles. Fantastic music and imagery it's Genesis at their best IMHO. 


(23 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Well life and things have got in the way of being able to contribute to Chordie and write some decent music lately TF.
I do keep an eye on the songwriting section though and though I don't comment I do read and listen to most of the submitted work.
All the active mods Doug and Roger especially do such a great job at keep the spammers at bay there's not much to do in that department.
Anyway I'm still around.


(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I'm sorry to hear about your loss Bill.
I haven't been around a lot lately on Chordie family and stuff etc got in the way.
Please accept my condolences on what must be a very sad time for you and your wife.

Dino was a great member of Chordie.
He nearly always took the time to comment on posts of songs etc with encouraging words.
RIP Dino and thanks.

Nice to hear the collaborations still going. I enjoyed these couple. Thanks


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Happy belated birthday wishes Beamer and many of them.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

topdown wrote:

Y'all really oughta come on down for chordiestock


just sayin' smile

Ah but the tree pollen is a real killer though.
Just saying smile


(16 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Great stuff Russ. Your band could show the youngster a thing or two.
Well done enjoyed it.


(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Another great gone. Carl Palmer must be thinking he's getting to be last man standing.
RIP John and thanks.


(26 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Sorry for the belated Birthday wishes Amy hope you had a great day.
All the best for the year ahead.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thanks for the Birthday wishes guys and Amy another year gone where do they go?
I hope to be more active on Chordie this year and spend more time music making.
All the best.


(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

It doesn't seem a week goes by without loosing another big name from the music industry.
Status Quo is a band I always enjoyed listening to they never much changed their style which was to me their appeal.
RIP Rick and thanks.