(5 replies, posted in Poems)

I love that add on Phill.  Down here in Kiwiland it is winter while the rest of Chordie land is in summer most probably the best time to create songs and poems.     


(5 replies, posted in Poems)

Adrenalin  Sea Junky

Your a adrenalin junky.

Who thinks he is funky.

There is a big storm coming for you.

The  strong hidden undertow will pull you down.

In the depths and under the waves.

You  will be screaming for life.

The love of your life tears in eyes.

Crying on shore.

Wished you behaved .

There is nothing brave.

About  an unessercary sea grave

Sea sucking  you down  because your a clown.

Others will die because of you.

You make me sick.

You make me spew.

You should think of others not just you.


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I look forward to hearing Phill do this song. Jim you have a magic way with lyrics.  Hope you get over the flu soon Phill.     


(10 replies, posted in Poems)

There was a clever man from the ewe  ess of aye.

When he brings his words into play.

Always manages to make my day.

He’s a bit of country a bit of rock and roll.

And on the whole a good soul.

He has many words.

Some based on history.

Some based on mystery.

With his guiding  wizardry.

There is no  defeat.

A kid with feet can kick a winning goal.


(10 replies, posted in Poems)

There was a girl who had a ring in her nose.
And one in her belly.
She served vegetarian food .
From her trendy Deli.
Even though she was sweet.
With plenty to eat.
I prefer plates with meat.
Young men who saw her.
Bowed down at her feet.
Not for me.
The  thought of trying to kiss her feet.
As sadly her feet might be smelly.
And wouldn't go down well when I ate meat.
I loved her Deli.
All colorful  was her special jelly.
She served with cream, coffee and something sweet.
Maybe she should have a show on tele.
The girl with the deli.
And sweet looking feet.


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I reckon if I could get Ringo to do a kids story for me.

His accent and voice would work perfectly.

Everything from Thomas The  Tank to Yellow  Submarine.

All those stories have turned out to be super and supreme.

Peaches and cream.

For those who are rich.

To those on the skids.

Oh what a dream.

Money in the bank and an octopuses garden for me.


(10 replies, posted in Poems)

Good Knight
Sir Phill
Your a  scribe and a scholar.
You give this page a good fill.
From the Capital of this  new said land.
I wish you good will.
And a shake of the hand.   
Keep up your writing.
My good man.


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Phill I will stick with something more like the Beatles Yellow Submarine. I think the cartoons content was too absurd for kids to get it was done by a pair of Lesbian Twins trying to be arty. The guy who wrote it I think got too  arty for kids and adults and yeah the idea of a pet brass instrument in a pram very surreal. Today sexualized  images are everywhere not sure of its impact  on kids minds. Kids do need to be kids.


(10 replies, posted in Poems)

Good one Phill.
I once met a man who couldn’t speak.

Sadly he couldn’t reach his peak.

He couldn’t even make a squeak.

His shoulders were his peak.

Didn’t need a pillow.

Had no eyes to close.

Or nose between the eyes.

He never told lies.

He believed in the  truth,

Didn’t need  a dentist as  he had no tooth’s.

He was always going to be poor.

Never own a house and more.

As he could never get a head.

He never got embarrassed.

His face never went red.

Its not easy not having a head.


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Cheers Phill thank you for your feedback. I have been trying to immerse myself in the world of kids entertainment over the last four days and some of its really good stuff that I as an adult have enjoyed. I am still trying to figure out how to do something that  might work it has proven to be a bigger challenge than I thought it would be.   One thing I have discovered is kids entertainments takes on many more forms than I thought. Here is a short sample of something really weird I don't think it would work with kids I know but it does prove peoples approach to kids entertainment covers more ground than I thought. 


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

As you all most probably all know Easybeat is in the process of doing a kid's book written for his granddaughter with an illustrator. If you want to follow the progress of that here is a link to his publisher that will keep you updated on that.   HazelrosePublishing Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/HazelrosePublishing

I thought as a result I would have a go at doing a kids thing video with a bit of song and voice acting and nothing dumbed down in it..  Easybeat pointed out to me yesterday kids under five brains are great and it is sad that we dumb things down for them. Kids under five can pick up different languages where adults find it hard because an under five brain is like a big learning sponge sucking everything in.  He mentioned a chap who said it also should have an adult appeal so I am trying  to inject a bit of that into the video as well.  My sister told me kids love learning to say  supercalifragilisticexpialidocious because it is a long word and has a musical flow. I know the word comes from a movie and I remember kids singing that song  back in the 60’s.   Funny thing there was four of us old guys aged from 62 to 70 sitting at this table in our local pub yesterday  talking about this when we four spontaneously burst out into singing that song. No doubt we sounded quite atrocious supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.                                                                                                                                                           
So, I am putting the word preposterous in my short kid's vid as my new mission in life is getting under-fives to use the word preposterous. Am I on the right track any thoughts please?


(13 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Maye we could do  a Doctor Who and have friendly  Daleks running around our town exterminating all spammers and hackers.  If my memory is correct did the Daleks go around saying "exterminate" as they set about  to destroying things.? I was told the other day Doctor Who is now a woman so that would help our town of Chordie  which seems to be full of men nowadays. Good thing about Doctor Who if it keeps going is at least kids in the future  will know what a telephone box was. Here in NZ pay telephones and telephone boxes have all disappeared and in two years time all  landlines here are going to be disconnected when they close the phone exchange.


(4 replies, posted in Poems)

Phill Williams wrote:

Holly Nostradamus batman! Are you two warning us of a future apocalipse? Food for thought.

I was writing about a lady called Miss Information from the land of inexactitudes and half truths. False ideologies  producing anger that drives many  to a point where it loses it constructiveness. I am just saying buyer beware or as the legal jargon goes caveat emptor of the real driving force behind what could appears to be good.. Not sure where EB is coming from.     For me it is worrying watching the big power players and how they are positioning themselves in the world. The ability of leaders to manipulate their followers or subvert opposing peaceful voices. No apocalipse warning from me I get warn ( worn)out listening to all the crystal ball gazers and all those crazies trying to ruin humanity.
Caveat emptor NOUN the principle that the buyer alone is responsible for checking the quality and suitability of goods before a purchase is made. My way of saying beware of vipers and snakes.


(13 replies, posted in My local band and me)

I agree with  you Jim it would be great to have you all as real life  neighbours. It is a privilege to live on the continent of Cyberland  in a town called Chordie.     


(4 replies, posted in Poems)

You don’t want to be suffering from Vertigo.

When your walking on a tightrope.

Fed by lies from those on high.

Sitting in their fancy spires.

Their power chord plugged into a devious grid.

Agendas unclear.

Catch phrases.

Marketing ploys.

Psychological hazes.

Used by Hitler many others through ages.

Manipulators of the sell sending everyone to hell.

Casting of wicked spells.

Their chanting audience.

Stuck in a trance.

Mimicking words.

Mass hysteria spreading to a mindless herd.

Lemmings jump on board join the absurd.

Follow the herd.

Their fancy tight rope won't save you.

Strung from cliff to cliff

Even on solid ground.

Vertigo can get you..

When up there .Acrophobia hits those who think they will fall.

Those who live up on the canopy.

I hope you wake up.

The innocent won't break your fall.

Under your bad weight branches can break.

People beware of people at the top who are fake.

There is only so much people can take.     


(13 replies, posted in My local band and me)

I like that Piri

Is it A to Z

Alpha to omega.

Or heaven to L     


(13 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Phill Williams wrote:

I see you're feeling better Pedr?
Anyone can slap out chord after chord and sing like Freddy Mercury...well not Freddy, Not many have that original singing and playing style you exhibit. And of course your exceptional observational skill to transform that observation into a song or poem. I loved that high note, was Maree crushing the family jewels?

Cheers Piri

I am on new meds that are making me feel a lot better than what I have for a while. That high note was one of those test tickle moments.

A squeeze of the hand on a vital gland.

Helped this silly sod.

Reach high notes like he never had before.

Before he paid his money and got thrown out the door.

Beware good folks his singing coach with a Jewelry broach.

A beautiful girl

With the obvious name of Pearl.

Was no real Lady.

In fact, she was shady.

Worked part time as a stripper.

To help feed her nippers.

Is a singing teacher and more.

Note I wrote a singing teacher and a word that rhymes with war.

Has squeezed high notes from many a boy before.

Those who wanted to do more.

Than what they paid for.     


(13 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Cheers Jim I find singing and playing music well is something I will never master,. For some strange reason despite my lack of talent music keeps luring me back. They were talking about songs on the radio a couple of early mornings back that were about the telephone songs and the phone operators that  used to connect long distance calls  which are all now  obsolete things due  to communications systems that have changed with smartphones.. They put the song on as an example of this,  Martha  by Tom Waits it was something I didn't expect to be hearing a song written or done by him like this. It was the right song for me to hear at that moment as some parts of it resonated with me. To sing like Tom I will have to take up smoking maybe a hundred cigarettes a day. On Martha his throat sounds a bit clearer than usual. I will attach the song,  Martha  done by Tom..



(13 replies, posted in My local band and me)

I  wrote this after talking to Easy Beat about the frustration of not being able to sing good. 


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Jeff your real good at these thinking songs. I can picture myself in your song when I am in one of those philosophical moods end of night early morning waiting on sunrise while looking out of a window.     


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Nature the perfect place to be  to get rid of the things that the daily grind can throw at us. That feeling that an irritating little  pebble in  a shoe gives us  that needs getting rid of before we can  tackle the big boulders that try and block our path through life at times can be dealt with  in quiet places on land, sea and hills. Excellent song. I like those lines of yours.
I figure out to do,
Going anywhere I want
With the people I want too.     


(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Greetings Piri brawd  thank you I was trying for that sort of gospel blues sound though I sort of failed with my lack of vocal ability.

Thank you Jim I wish I had a better voice to give the different layers a better sound.

Cheers Mojo I have noticed that there are many of those very talented people playing busking on the streets around the world, whose music never seems to get played on the radio. New Orleans would have to be the best place in the world to hear plenty of good music on the streets.

Yeah, EB many good artists get left out in the airplay wilderness due to radio music directors being enticed by big labels and other commercial enticements that a small label can't compete with. Small labels get on the smaller stations but the major radio stations around the world that have big listener numbers become more about the money and not the music. It seems to float through fashion and music that horrible saying, “this is on trend at the moment”. What is so called on trend is manipulated into the airwaves and movies, tv plus whatever else that exposes artists to the wider public by the big marketers and record labels.


(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

jets60 wrote:

Hey Pete - Trying to figure this out. Are you using barre chords for this song? Seems like the chord progression is suited for barre chords.

Jeff I should of said at the start of the post the chords of this song came from me composing  it on a piano. Guitar I have very little idea.  I  played guitar a little before my hands and arms started to give out  only by feel and had l no idea what I was playing. So I guess if it works with Barre chords go for it. I tried to have a quick bash at it with barre chords just now my fingers were too weak to make it work. My theory is very minimal when it comes to music. Basically I would say whatever a person thinks works best then play it with whatever chords you think fit. When I play guitar with my friends that play guitar good I have to ask them what  some of the chords are I'm playing. I have done a piano run through of the song but my playing and singing was really bad on it  so I didn't put it up.     


(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Cheers EB I like the idea  of trying or experimenting with different approaches. I agree my voice and vocal setup  is not that fantastic but hopefully something that can be improved on by someone better than me.     


(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Here is a little vocal play with the lyrics of   "Different Layers".